Angelica Hayden


Coffeehouse Patron (uncredited)
O geógrafo Dr. Josh Keyes fez uma terrível descoberta: o núcleo do planeta parou de girar e o campo electromagnético está a degradar-se, de forma que, dentro de alguns meses, o planeta será destruído. Mas existe uma esperança: enviar Keyes e um grupo de cientistas de elite ao centro da Terra para reactivar a rotação do núcleo.
Merchants of Death
A creepy audition turns into a horror anthology featuring two stories: a snuff film ring and a disgraced killer priest, and little does the actress knows, but she is also auditioning for a snuff film!
A dentist's wife conspires the murder of her husband. The murder is carried out by a twisted serial killer that stalks and kills exotic women. Unknown to all are the dentist's connections to the Mafia. Now the Police, a Private investigator, and the Mafia hit men are all in on the chase.