Veronika Varga

Veronika Varga


Veronika Varga


Passage House
People say the true love lasts longer than life, but they don't mean it, and they are right: love ends when life does, except if it isn't.
Simone, The Journey of the Century
Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her political battles, her tragedies. An intimate and epic portrait of an extraordinary woman who eminently challenged and transformed her era defending a humanist message still keenly relevant today.
Garbage Theory
Űrpiknik / Garbage Theory is a dramedy webbed through with the elements of sci-fi, which tells the story of one night spent by an alien lacking self-appreciation and a troubled university student in Budapest. Panna is a lonely university student who is incapable of forming human relationships, until Boy, the self-loathing alien arrives due to her signals sent to space. Boy tells Panna that the planet is doomed and he is only interested in saving his one admired artist, Sarolta Zalatnay. The two strangers form a unit, Panna helps Boy to fulfill his plan, and the alien takes her to the unknown planet in return. Panna and Boy meet unusual characters and extraordinary situations during the adventure lasting a night, which open up the world in front of them; Panna learns to form bonds and Boy finds home in the universe: on planet Earth.
Small Country: An African Childhood
Mme Economopoulos
Gabriel, aged 10, lives in a comfortable ex-pat neighborhood in Burundi, his ‘small country’. Gabriel is a normal kid, happy, carefree and having adventures with his friends and little sister. Then in 1993, tensions in neighboring Rwanda spill over, threatening his family and his innocence.
A true story of a prisoner of the Siberian Gulag about hope. About hope, that we can stay human beings during the cruelest suffering.
Aqueles que Ficaram
Tendo sobrevivido aos campos de concentração, Aldo, de 42 anos, vive uma vida solitária como médico em Budapeste. Klara, de 16 anos, vive relutantemente com sua tia-avó, esperando que seu pai e sua mãe retornem. Ela conhece Aldo, e logo os dois encontram algo um no outro que tem estado ausente em suas vidas. Uma história lírica do poder curativo do amor em meio a conflitos, perdas e traumas.
Neptune’s Song
In a world where all form marine life has disappeared, Balthazar is trying to make ends meet. He puts on shows for children in which he stages prints of ancient fishes. But he also has a secret: he is the owner of the last living fish on earth.
Lost Horizons
In Corsica, a young man who is a fisherman like his late father before him wishes to leave and discover new horizons. A passionate music lover, he is torn between his mother who encourages him to pursue his passion and his grandparents who want him to stay on the island.
A Bad Encounter
Conheça o mau é a história de uma amizade simbiótica entre dois meninos, Wolf e Mando ... Eles se encontram em um banco em uma praça e crescer juntos , compartilhando os mesmos interesses : livros, meninas , política , espiritismo. E então, pouco a pouco, seus caminhos divergem . Uma quebra de promessas ...
A Marca da Serpente
Vincent Mandel (Yvan Attal) é um fotógrafo passando por um dificil processo de divórcio e lutando pela guarda de seus filhos. Sua existência já conturbada se torna ainda mais abalada pelo aparecimento de um fantasma de seu passado: Joseph Plender. Sedutor e simpático, Plender é, no entanto, totalmente cruel e um predador sedento por vingança.
Enquanto Houver Esperança
The false mother
A diretora de um orfanato trabalha duro para proteger seus filhos durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Entretanto, o caos se instaura em sua vida quando um grupo de crianças judias, deportadas da alemanha, chega ao orfanato. com isso, ela precisa trabalhar além de todos os seus limites para estabelecer novamente a paz e a tranquilidade no local. Como consequência, todos descobrirão a importância da diversidade cultural, o valor da fé e a coragem para encarar a vida novamente depois de uma catástrofe.
Le Roi de Paris
Lisa Lanska
Victor Derval is returning home after a performance when he is hailed by Lisa, a young Hungarian woman. Her motives are mysterious; is she simply a star-struck peasant girl, or an ambitious, manipulative aspiring star?
Emilie Muller
Emilie Muller
Emilie Muller, a petite young woman, goes to her first audition, where the casting director asks her to talk about what is inside her handbag.
Un Air de Liberté
High school life chronicles set before, during and after the events of May 68.