Beast (voice)
Criado para o 100º aniversário da Disney, o curta mostra Mickey Mouse encurralando uma galeria de personagens lendários da Disney para uma foto de grupo.
Beast (voice) (archive footage)
Lend Us Your Voice
Don’t miss this enchanting twist on a timeless tale narrated by none other than Mrs. Potts herself—Angela Lansbury. As Belle and the Beast’s love story unfolds before your eyes, tap your toes and sing along to the songs you know and love like Be Our Guest and Gaston. Tales As Old As Time: French Storytelling on Stage and Screen
Step into some of the world’s most enchanting stories. At the Palais du Cinema, you’ll explore 6 distinct gallery cases honoring the costumes, music and artwork that brought French literature to life through cinema, theater, ballet and opera. Catch a glimpse of how these stories inspired artists from around the globe, including those who created such timeless Disney classics as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and—of course—Beauty and the Beast.
Web entrepreneur Abby hides her Texas roots to convince a backer she's from New England, a task complicated by a trip home and an unexpected reunion with Ryan, her high school sweetheart.
On a cross country road trip to rob his home town bank Prince Mccoy finds himself having to rely on the help of an ex convict hitchhiker named Carl Robbins. Along the way the people they meet and the friendships they build begin to heal the ghosts of their pasts. However, they both have one final crossroad to face in the small town of Apple Seed.
A forlorn teenager abandoned in New York City spirals out of control, from a troubled kid to an accidental addict, after he mistakes the welcoming embrace of a Lower East Side drug dealer for the love of family.
Executive Producer
A forlorn teenager abandoned in New York City spirals out of control, from a troubled kid to an accidental addict, after he mistakes the welcoming embrace of a Lower East Side drug dealer for the love of family.
An interactive, feature-length behind-the-scenes documentary teeming with worthwhile bonus content all its own.
Most of us know Billy Graham as the self-assured and charismatic preacher who became one of the most important figures of 20th Century Christianity. Now, with the release of Billy: The Early Years, we meet Billy as the earnest and promising young man at the crossroads of faith and doubt, ultimately facing the moment of decision that launched one of history’s most powerful evangelistic careers.
Beast (voice)
It's an enchanted royal tea party, and your little princess is the guest of honor! There, she can sing along with all her favorite Disney Princesses as they perform their best-loved songs. Plus, she'll be the belle of the ball as she learns wonderful dance moves and sings karaoke-style too!
Peguem em dois irmãos sozinhos em casa. Juntem-lhe um chimpanzé perdido e dois gananciosos maus da fita e assistirão à macacada mais radical e hilariante de sempre. Após uma fulgurante carreira no hóquei profissional, Jack regressa à reserva natural de símios para um merecido descanso. Porém, o nosso primata depressa se farta daquela vida e, para o animar, a tratadora organiza umas férias de família no México. Mas Jack perde-se dos outros chimpazés e acaba por ir parar a Black Brush no Colorado, onde conhece o snowboarder Pete e Jay, o irmão mais velho, que o tentam ajudar a reencontrar a família. Jack depressa aprende com Pete a fazer snowboard e os dois lançam-se pelas encostas da montanha numa aventura radical. Apercebendo-se da situação e tentando lucrar com ela, dois vigaristas resolvem raptar Jack. Começa a perseguição e...é o fim da macacada!
Dr. Sturbuck
Film crew arrives in a small town in Nevada desert. Ends up changing the life of a 12-year-old kid and a friend of his, a movie lover.
Quando uma forte tempestade de neve deixa Mickey e o seus convidados isolados, Bela, Ariel, Branca de Neve e muitos outros amigos decidem ajudar o Donald a recuperar o seu deteriorado espírito natalício.
A diversão começa quando Minnie convida todos para uma sessão dos melhores filmes de Natal.
Rapidamente todos são absorvidos por mágicas recordações, incluindo o rabugento Donald que acaba por se tornar a estrela da noite.
À medida que o contagiante entusiasmo toma conta de todos, acabam por se perceber que 'O Melhor Natal' é aquele que partilhamos com os nossos amigos!
The classic children's book The Crippled Lamb comes to home video in this special adaptation with full animation, original songs, and a name value cast including Jodi Benson (The Little Mermaid) and Robby Benson (Beauty and the Beast, Ice Castles) performing character voicings.
Young Santa Claus (voice)
Based on the popular book by L. Frank Baum, the beloved author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, comes the incredible story of The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus. Many centuries ago, long before toys had even been invented, a baby abandoned at the edge of an enchanted forest was adopted and raised by a beautiful wood nymph, thus beginning the life story of Santa Claus. From his first truly magical childhood through the discovery of his life's work of making children happy, discover the origin of every tradition surrounding Santa Claus, from toys, stockings and lighted trees to reindeer and sleigh. Journey back to a time of magic and wonder, and experience this heartwarming tale that will bring joy each holiday season.
Drake (voice)
Quando um garoto solitário e órfão descobre aquele que pode ser o último dragão vivo na terra, ele percebe que seu sonho de se tornar um cavalheiro pode virar realidade. Entre desafios e obstáculos, a dupla vai vivendo heroicas aventuras, mas algo maior se aproxima. Eles estariam preparados para grandes desafios?
Beast (voice)
Muitas coisas aconteceram antes que a Bela e a Fera pudessem viver felizes para sempre! Nesta aventura, eles e seus amigos descobrem como amor e trabalho em equipe, perdão e amizade podem transformar um palácio de princesa.
Beast (voice)
É Natal, e Bela quer comemorar enfeitando o castelo e reanimando seus amigos objetos, em uma tentativa de alegrar Fera, que é traumatizado com a data. Se depender de Forte, um órgão que detesta o Natal, os planos de Bela serão frustrados para sempre.
Three episodes based on O. Henry's texts. The first deals with the friendship between a painter and two young women. The second, a young man who receives an insignificant amount of his uncle, as an inheritance. The third concerns two people who make it all possible when they give themselves love as Christmas presents.
Max Pierce
A man endangers his own life when he uncovers an assassination plot while investigating his father's death
Robert Sims
Paula and Robert Sims are desperate: their 12 days old baby has been kidnapped! Since there's no trace of the kidnappers, they address the public for help. Shortly after their daughter is found dead. When the same happens three years later to their second daughter, Sheriff Yocom becomes suspicious.
A divorced mother fears for her life after a friend gets her a blind date with a doctor.
A divorced mother fears for her life after a friend gets her a blind date with a doctor.
The making of the Disney classic hosted by Robby Benson.
Roger Swade
AT HOME WITH THE WEBBERS explores what happens when a typical American family is turned into a hot, new, totally uncensored TV show. Viewers get hooked on the real-life soap, while the Webbers grapple with their unexpected fame.
Alex Pruitt
When a mentally imbalanced prisoner gets out on parole, he tracks down the journalist who interviewed him while he was behind bars and persuades her to hire him as an assistant. But when she denies his advances, he aims for her adolescent daughter. The girl thinks she can stave off his disturbing desires -- at least for a while. But her naïveté is no match for his perversity.
Dr. David Whitson
A computer scientist invents an experimental artificial intelligence that can manage and control all the functions for his vacation cabin in the woods. When he gives it a female personality, it becomes a little too managing and controlling, resulting in deαdly consequences.
Blaze (voice)
PJ is an orphan with no last name and she has a special wish, she wants someone to love. One night while out riding her grey horse Blaze, PJ gets her wish. The "Wishing Star" shines its magic light on her and her horse and PJ is transported to the gray world of Twinkle Town. There she meets three new friends, Glimmer, Glowee, and Sparks, three lonely children who live there and have been wishing for someone to love them. The Wishing Star has turned Blaze into a beautiful white talking horse and given PJ a crown that talks! Her clothing has changed into a brilliant, sparkling dress, which gives her a last name, she is now PJ Sparkles! She's been given a magic power, the magic of LOVE!
Beast (voice)
Um príncipe é transformado num monstro por uma feiticeira como castigo pela sua arrogância. A única forma de quebrar o feitiço é amar e ser amado antes da queda da última pétala de uma rosa mágica, no dia do seu 21º aniversário. Anos depois, Maurice, um inventor, torna-se prisioneiro do príncipe e a sua filha, Belle, resolve partir à procura do pai, oferecendo-se para ficar prisioneira no seu lugar. Belle vê o Monstro como uma criatura disforme. Poderá o amor vencer todas as barreiras e despertar os mais duros corações?
Modern relationships are examined in this comedy drama.
Modern relationships are examined in this comedy drama.
Modern relationships are examined in this comedy drama.
Modern relationships are examined in this comedy drama.
A young man, short of money, is persuaided into looking after the business of a local drug dealer for a week or two. Up until then, the guy had been an honest and clean of drugs, but when he spends his days surrounded by riches and drugs, he cannot resist... and neither can his addict wife. Written by Rob Hartill
A young man, short of money, is persuaided into looking after the business of a local drug dealer for a week or two. Up until then, the guy had been an honest and clean of drugs, but when he spends his days surrounded by riches and drugs, he cannot resist... and neither can his addict wife. Written by Rob Hartill
Burt Reynolds e Liza Minnelli são os astros deste eletrizante filme de ação e suspense. Tony Church (Reynolds) é um detetive profissional de Chicago, que está suspenso depois de uma batida policial num hotel onde traficantes de drogas atuavam. Na ação, seis pessoas são mortas. A única testemunha do caso é uma prostituta de luxo Della (Liza Minnelli), que agora é ameaçada de morte por bandidos. Church tem em Della a oportunidade de limpar seu nome. Ao ajudar a garota entra numa grande fria. Entre tiroteios e perseguições ele tem uma certeza. Sua vida nunca mais será a mesma.
David (voice)
Derek, Margo, and Moki jump through time yet again and find themselves lost. As they search for information, they are threatened by wild animals. A young shepherd arrives on the scene and rescues them. They learn that this shepherd just happens to be the future King David. They follow David to Jerusalem, where they watch as he tries to help mend Saul's ill temper. Finally, they witness the defeat of Goliath.
Nanthan Bowzer
A New Jersey auto mechanic travels to California to find the girl of his dreams and woos a bikini fashion model while the time quarreling with her high-powered manager and avoiding his New Jersey girlfriend who comes looking for him.
Howard Keach
Widower Harry Keach is a construction worker who was raised to appreciate the importance of working for a living. He takes a dim view of his sensitive son Howard's lackadaisical lifestyle and has a strained relationship with his daughter Nina as he does not approve of her husband. When Harry is fired from his job, his life changes drastically as he is made to focus on the relationships around him.
A series of teenage gangs struggle against each other in a not-so-distant future. Eventually they united against an evil corporation, as represented by evil CEO Robby Benson who wants to control everything.
Billy Mills
A história de Billy Mills, o índio americano que veio da obscuridade, para ganhar a corrida a pé de longa distância de 10.000 metros nos Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio.
Nollie Minor
Nolie has just turned 21 but is retarded and acts more like 8. While claiming that she only wants to help him, his "smother" actually likes things that way. One day Nolie visits his beloved grandfather in a rest home and is horrified at how the old man has deteriorated, vegetating in his wheelchair. He realizes that this is partly due to the medication the nurses are giving him. Nolie decides that he must rehabilitate Grandpa himself, since no one else cares. Furthermore, he and Grandpa must keep their project a secret. It's a job for a man, and time for Nolie to become one.
Brent Falcone ("Municipalians")
A parody of film genres composed of three shorts, spoofing personal growth films, glossy soap operas, and police stories.
Danny Saunders
In a 1940s New York, two Jewish teenage boys are determined to remain friends despite the deep differences between their two families.
Jud Templeton
A shallow Broadway press agent learns he is dying just as his son by his ex-wife arrives for a visit.
Original Music Composer
A San Francisco cab driver find himself in possession of a monkey that is carrying a formula for turning atomic waste into a plutonium bomb. He finds himself framed for a murder and chased…
A San Francisco cab driver find himself in possession of a monkey that is carrying a formula for turning atomic waste into a plutonium bomb. He finds himself framed for a murder and chased…
A San Francisco cab driver find himself in possession of a monkey that is carrying a formula for turning atomic waste into a plutonium bomb. He finds himself framed for a murder and chased…
A San Francisco cab driver find himself in possession of a monkey that is carrying a formula for turning atomic waste into a plutonium bomb. He finds himself framed for a murder and chased…
Emilio Mendez
A young Chicano gang member in Los Angeles comes to realize that the gang life is not what he really wants but doesn't know how to get out.
Original Music Composer
A young Chicano gang member in Los Angeles comes to realize that the gang life is not what he really wants but doesn't know how to get out.
Nick Peterson
Alexis Winston sonha em ser campeã de patinação artística e chega a largar o namorado para se dedicar ao sonho. Quando um acidente a deixa cega, o antigo amor não a deixa desistir daquilo que mais ama.
Father Dave Benson
Burt Reynolds está aqui no papel de um homem que, ao saber que tem pouco tempo de vida, procura antecipar-se ao talvez, doloroso fim. Mas tanto fracassa em todas as suas tentativas que resolve desistir. Porém, um maníaco de origem polonesa cisma de ajudá-lo a dar fim à própria vida.
Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport. Expected by his coach to contribute significantly to the team, Henry is overwhelmed by the demands on his time, the "big business" aspect of college sports, and the fact that he never fully learned to read. Things look bleak for Henry when Janet Hays, a pretty graduate student, is assigned as Henry's tutor. Her intellect and strength lift Henry out of his doldrums just in time to battle the coach, who attempts to rescind Henry's scholarship.
Henry Steele
Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport. Expected by his coach to contribute significantly to the team, Henry is overwhelmed by the demands on his time, the "big business" aspect of college sports, and the fact that he never fully learned to read. Things look bleak for Henry when Janet Hays, a pretty graduate student, is assigned as Henry's tutor. Her intellect and strength lift Henry out of his doldrums just in time to battle the coach, who attempts to rescind Henry's scholarship.
George Gibbs
3-act play by American playwright Thornton Wilder.
Richie Werner
A sensitive but confused teenager feels pressure from all directions and turns to drugs, which causes problems for him in school and at home.
Tad Lincoln
The Last of Mrs. Lincoln depicts the final seventeen years of Mary Todd Lincoln's life, following her husband's assassination.
Billy Joe McAllister
Billy Joe confesses his love to the lovely Bobbi Lee only to cover his growing fear that he may, in fact, be homosexual. One night, at a barn dance, he gets a little drunk and rather than going with the hired whores, gives into his desires and sexual relations with an unnamed man. The guilt causes him to run away, hide in the woods and eventually confess everything to Bobbi Lee who doesn't want to believe him only because she was enjoying the forbidden nature of their love. In the end, he cannot accept his sexuality nor can he hide behind Bobbi Lee and that's why he throws himself off the Tallahachee bridge.
Em 1930, na era da Lei Seca, dois aventureiros assumem os riscos de contrabandear bebidas alcoólicas a bordo do barco Lucky Lady e contam com ajuda da dançarina de cabaré Claire. As coisas se complicam quando os dois homens se apaixonam por ela.
Johnny Gunther
Based on the book by famed author John Gunther about the life and early death of his teenage son Johnny, who died from a brain tumor.
Leroy Small
The story of Virginia Hill, a former prostitute who was the girlfriend of '40s killer and gangster Bugsy Siegel.
An LA photographer, driving through backwoods country, spots a young boy walking on the side of the road and offers him a ride home. After reaching the isolated house, he discovers that the boy and his siblings are keeping a woman prisoner as their "mom" and now he is expected to be their "dad"...or else.
Frankie Hodges
An uncle's (Jack Warden) memories give strength to a New England family with four sons fighting in World War II.
Jeremy Jones
Jeremy is learning cello at an arts school in New York. At school he spots Susan, who practices for a ballet audition, and he falls in love.
Jory Walden
Jory is a fifteen-year-old boy who joins a horse-drive after his father is killed by a drunkard. The drive's leader and a likable cowhand take the boy under their wing, and find that tragedy has taught him how to take care of himself better than anyone could expect.
Boy Tossing Ball (uncredited)
Uma boneca recheada de heroína é a razão desta trama que envolve Roat (Alan Arkin), um frio assassino psicopata, e Susy (Audrey Hepburn), uma moça que ficou cega e ainda não aprendeu a viver na escuridão. Seus caminhos se cruzam em uma noite de medo e agonia, onde a escuridão é a única chance de fuga para Susy.