Prisioneiro da Guerra do Vietnã volta para a sociedade americana e encontra sua situação financeira totalmente mudada. Resolve então entrar para o crime organizado.
Marian Rose White is placed in a State Home for the feeble-minded by her uncaring mother when her father dies. She is a young teenager and there is nothing wrong with her except for some clumsiness, mostly caused by poor vision. State law (in 1934) requires sterilization of all inmates. Sympathetic nurse, Bonnie McNeil, befriends Marian and protests her treatment.
A syndicate mob boss doesn't realize that his eldest son, Gep, has been informing to the police on the family's dealings in exchange for protection, while Gep's younger brother, Phil, a bank vice president, tries to separate himself from the family's business.
Duas adolescentes de 15 anos, Ferris e Angel (Tatum O'Neal e Kristy McNichol) se encontram num ônibus à caminho de um acampamento de verão, e logo se desentendem. Para resolver a rivalidade, elas travam uma competição, para ver qual das duas iria perder a virgindade primeiro durante as férias.
"Once Upon a Midnight Scary" is a 1979 television program that aired as part of a CBS television anthology series. The program, hosted by noted actor Vincent Price, features scenes from three stories, including "The Ghost Belonged to Me" by Richard Peck, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving, and "The House with a Clock in Its Walls" by John Bellairs.
Rick está com 30 anos, mas ainda trabalha em tempo integral como salva-vidas nas praias de Los Angeles, na Califórnia. Ele gosta de se divertir, mas ainda mais dos momentos de silêncio. No entanto, quando ele encontra sua namorada de faculdade divorciada e seu filho de 5 anos, ele considera a mudança para uma forma mais 'séria' de trabalho '.