Gino Anthony Pesi

Gino Anthony Pesi

Nascimento : 1980-11-03, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


Gino Anthony Pesi (born November 3, 1980) is an American actor, producer, and writer. He is best known for his role as James Nava in the NBC series Shades of Blue.


Gino Anthony Pesi
Gino Anthony Pesi
Gino Anthony Pesi


Kill Me Twice
A woman fakes her own death and that of her young son to get away from her abusive former partner. But when he discovers that they are still alive, he comes looking for them, leading the woman to decide whether she must finally face up to her past.
The Fare
When a charming fare named Penny climbs into his cab, Harris, a world-weary taxi driver, finds himself engaged in the only kind of courtship he can have with a passenger -- one that lasts as long as her trip. That is, right up until she disappears from the back seat without a trace. When confusion gives way to reality, he resets his meter and is instantaneously transported back to the moment when she climbed into his cab. He and Penny find themselves trapped in an endlessly looping nighttime cab ride, with only each other for company, and it changes his life forever.
The Fare
When a charming fare named Penny climbs into his cab, Harris, a world-weary taxi driver, finds himself engaged in the only kind of courtship he can have with a passenger -- one that lasts as long as her trip. That is, right up until she disappears from the back seat without a trace. When confusion gives way to reality, he resets his meter and is instantaneously transported back to the moment when she climbed into his cab. He and Penny find themselves trapped in an endlessly looping nighttime cab ride, with only each other for company, and it changes his life forever.
42: A História de uma Lenda
Joe Garagiola
Jackie Robinson é um jogador de baseball que disputa a liga nacional dos negros até ser recrutado por Branch Rickey, o executivo de um time que disputa a maior competição do esporte nos Estados Unidos. Rickey quer que Robinson seja o primeiro negro a disputar a Major League na era moderna, o que faz com que ambos tenham que enfrentar o racismo existente não apenas da torcida e da diretoria, mas também dentro dos campos.
Invasão Mundial: Batalha Los Angeles
Cpl. Nick Stavrou
Durante anos, têm sido documentados vários casos de OVNI’s a pairar nos céus – Buenos Aires, Seoul, França, Alemanha, China. Mas em 2011, surge uma aterradora realidade, quando a Terra é mesmo invadida por forças desconhecidas. A população de todo o Mundo observa a queda das grandes cidades, e Los Angeles torna-se a última esperança para a Humanidade. Cabe ao Marine Michael Nantz e ao seu novo pelotão lutar contra esta catástrofe, enfrentando um inimigo como nunca tinham visto.
S.W.A.T. - Comando Especial 2
Wayne Wolport
Paul Cutler, especialista em táticas antiterroristas e policial figurão do Departamento de Polícia de Los Angeles, é enviado a Detroit a fim de treinar seu time S.W.A.T. nas mais novas técnicas de resgate de reféns. Porém, tudo muda quando um assassino se torna obcecado em exterminar Cutler e todo seu time.
Paulie, Jr.
Um grupo de bandidos acostumados a executar assaltos sem deixar vestígios resolve se aposentar, mas para isso precisam executar um último "serviço" que irá render a bolada de US$ 20 milhões. O único problema é que agora o detetive Jack Welles está disposto a atrapalhar a carreira deles e não vai medir esforços para colocá-los atrás das grades.
X's & O's
Relationship issues arise between a researcher with a theory to explain away all his failed dating experiments, a player who wants out of the game, a deejay whose head spins with thoughts of God, a hoodrat with no street cred, a poet not-so-well-versed in the art of love, and a womanipulator of men.
First Shift
Follows a New York police officer and his rookie partner over a 12 hour shift.