Yangchuk Tso

Yangchuk Tso


Yangchuk Tso is an award winning Tibetan actress and contemporary singer-songwriter based in Beijing and Xining. She has appeared in numerous films and television dramas. She is a graduate of the Central Academy of Drama’s directing program.


Yangchuk Tso


The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Cadaverous Claws
Drolkar’s Sister
No Tibete rural, Darie e Drolkar vivem uma vida simples e serena com os seus três filhos e o avô, quando uma situação embaraçosa provoca uma série de dilemas, e quebra a harmonia da família.
The Chainbreakers
An epic drama that tells the history of PLA liberating Tibet.
Tharlo is an orphan. Now grown up, he makes a living as a sheep herder in the village. He has grown a ponytail, so people simply call him “Ponytail”, since nobody remembers his real name anyway. Tharlo has a remarkable memory. He remembers so many things, except his own name. He is now in his forties, and he has yet to have his first woman. Now Tharlo goes to town to take a photo for his identity card. He meets a girl in the barber’s shop who changes the course of his life. He embarks on the journey to find his true self. He sells all his sheep and those entrusted by other villagers to him for care, and decides to use the money to go out into the world with the girl, only to find himself being deceived and cheated by her. Ironically, in his journey of self-discovery, Tharlo has lost his sense of self. As he witnesses in the mirror his ponytail being cut off and leaving him bald, he can no longer see himself as a man with a history that he recognizes.