First he seduced her. Then he made her a star. He was Johnny Hyde, 52-year-old agent, friend, lover. She was an unemployed starlet — destined to be America's greatest sex goddess. Theirs was a sizzling romance — torrid, touching, tragic.
This film is a scrambled narrative that illustrates, in soap opera fashion, life of artists in Lower Manhattan and at the same time dramatizes questions about the nature of filmic representation. Split decision is a boxing term used when the judges divide their votes in finding a winner. In this case the fight is between the two heroes of the film who are seen intermittently in a bar, negotiating a pick-up, and at home, breaking up in a domestic quarrel. The fight is also in the telling, between modes of conventional representation and modes of radical representation - between conventional continuity editing, and abstraction created through computer generated grids. The film features an appearance by Carolee Schneemann and digital imaging from before the era of personal computers.
O Homem Cobra (Sssssss) Torrent – DVDRip Dublado (1973) Um respeitado especialista em cobras esconde o assustador desejo de transformar um ser humano no maior dos répteis. Percebendo que seu novo assitente é a cobaia perfeita, o médico começa a aplicar no rapz algumas injeções de seu novo “soro imunizador”. Rapidamente, o jovem começa a experimentar efeitos colaterais estranhos e perturbadores.