Jacky Chen Shao-Lung

Jacky Chen Shao-Lung


Filmography (1971-1992) Actor (51 films) Action Director (2 films) Action Choreographer (3 films) Martial Arts Director (17 films)


Jacky Chen Shao-Lung


Angel Terminators
Action Director
Two Hong Kong policewomen (Ida and Hon) take on a Japanese boss who has returned from a seven-year exile to retake his old turf.
Dragon Force
Martial Arts Choreographer
Government agent Jack Sargeant teams up with an international crime-fighting organization to rescue a kidnapped princess.
Guest Of Black Leopard
[footage from 龍形刁手金鐘罩]
The nation called Hocheonpyo transports gold in the village of Korean vagabonds in Manchuria to Kukja family when some bandits attack and steal the coach with goods. The very prestigious head Paeng-deok mediates but old man Kim is killed when he asks for compensation. At this time, the Korean man Han-seong defeats the bandits and brings back the gold. So-jeong, old man Kim's daughter, decides to avenge her father. Han-seong goes to the place where the coach was attacked. Finding an emblem, he is filled with suspicion. The bandits have been employed as a convoy of Hocheonpyo and the emblem is theirs. Paeng-deok is Han-seong's older brother. Paeng-deok gets the compensation money together. While bringing the money, Seo-jun is killed and someone takes the money. Han-seong knows that Ho-chul is the culprit but Ho-chul dies by a poisonous dart. Han-seong persuades him knowing that Paeng-deok is the ringleader behind Ho-chul. - KMDB
The Deadly Sword
Martial Arts Choreographer
A swordsman uses a specialized weapon made from a deformed sword, the lethal hook, to fight an underworld clan to clear his family name and save the girl he loves in ancient China.
The Deadly Sword
A swordsman uses a specialized weapon made from a deformed sword, the lethal hook, to fight an underworld clan to clear his family name and save the girl he loves in ancient China.
The Loot
Chiu's bodyguard
Fong é o filho de um rico comerciante dono da maior e mais famosa joalheira do país A Palácio Lunar que tiveram seus bens roubados quando ele ainda era criança. Mais todo o tesouro que foi saqueado nunca apareceu nem a polícia teve nenhuma informação ou notícias sobre o paradeiro dos bens, tudo levando a crer que algum problema mais grave aconteceu entre os bandidos responsáveis pelo roubo. Depois de quinze anos até os dias atuais ele vem intensificando as investigações para descobrir o que aconteceu com as joias da família. Nesta trama ele vai contar com a ajuda de Willy Young um atrapalhado lutador que conheceu que leva a vida vivendo de recompensas pela captura de ladrões. Quando eles se envolvem em descobrir a identidade de um famoso ladrão conhecido como A Aranha que vem ameaçando matar os membros de famílias importantes na região as coisas começam a tomar outro rumo.
The Romantic Double Rings
A gang of masked swordsmen massacre members of the Blue Dragon school.
The Jade Fox
Martial Arts Choreographer
In her bid for domination of the kingdom, a wicked woman invites opponents to their doom at her 'Fairyland' estate.
Of Cooks and Kung Fu
Martial Arts Choreographer
Efforts of a grandfather teaching his grandson a style of fighting called "Cooking kung-fu"
Of Cooks and Kung Fu
Tan Tan
Efforts of a grandfather teaching his grandson a style of fighting called "Cooking kung-fu"
The Magnificent
A General hopes to restore the Ching Dynasty after China has become a republic. Carter Wong stars as Commissioner Yao Tien Shan who learns of a plot by General Na Lan Tien Hsiung (Chen Sing) to restore the Chings to power with the help of Lord Lo, whose daughter Wan Ying (Doris Chen/Lung Chun Erh) is sympathetic to the new government. Fu Fung (Casanova Wong) assists Yao whose efforts enlist the support of Wan Ying. Meanwhile, the general takes his ally Lord Lo prisoner and amasses an army of skilled fighters to help his cause.
O Clã das Amazonas
Chestnut peddler's thug
O Bandido do Bordado está roubando tesouros enquanto cega suas vítimas. O herói Liu Xiaofeng é chamado para resolver o mistério. As evidências apontam para o Clã dos Sapatos Vermelhos, composto apenas por mulheres, mas as aparências enganam.
Blood Revenge
Chen Lung
Chaozhou police constable Chiang and his wife are brutally killed by five escaped convicts whom he brought to justice three years ago. Their daughter Feng (Lu Hsiao Hui) is lucky to escape, and she sets out to avenge the murder of her parents. With the aid of martial arts expert Chuan (famous action star Philip Ko), Feng tracks down the thugs one by one and kills them with her "8-Step Successive Killing Kicks" kung fu.
The Return of the Hero of the Waterfront
Kao Chiang
After Pearl Chang is taken prisoner by the mob, Philip Ko transforms into a one man death force.
Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan
Master Li's man
18-year-old Ainu is kidnapped and sold to a brothel. Her good looks and wild personality make her very popular with the lustful clients, but also draw the lesbian attentions of brothel madam Chun Yi. Chun Yi teaches Ai nu the ways of lust and the ways of kung fu, and Ai nu becomes more and more similar to her captor. But rage at her treatment is still burning inside her.