Daniel Domscheidt-Berg


O Quinto Poder
Ao fundar o polêmico site WikiLeaks, Julian Assange conta com o apoio do amigo Daniel Domscheit-Berg. O objetivo da página é fornecer uma plataforma para que denunciantes, anonimamente, exponham segredos do governo e crimes corporativos. Com o crescimento do site, a dupla logo passa a dar mais furos noticiosos do que a mídia convencional. O grau de influência de Assange aumenta, e a relação entre os dois amigos acaba bastante abalada.
WikiRebels: The Documentary
In WikiRebels, we learn about the early hacker life of Julian Assange, and his later decision to form an organization where whistleblowers can anonymously pass information that documents crime and immorality. His stated goal is to expose injustice, and nothing exemplifies this more than the leaked film entitled “Collateral Murder.” WikiRebels shows other films released by WikiLeaks, and catalogs the most significant leaks since its 2006 inception, including the Iceland banking scandal, Kenya corruption and death squads, and toxic dumping in Cote D’Ivoire.