Luis María Ansón


Yo soy Arturo Fernández
Himself - Journalist
A gentle portrait of the mythical Spanish actor Arturo Fernández (1929-2019) in the hour of his passing, in his own words, through his latest interviews, not previously broadcast, and the words of those who knew him thorough decades of charming and good performance on stage, his true home, as well as in cinema and television.
Operación Palace
Finally, 33 years later, the whole truth behind the attempted coup d'état that shook Spain on the afternoon of February 23, 1981, is revealed by those who lived through those dreadful hours; a deep look behind the heavy curtain which hides the real mastermind, waiting to be unmasked.
Cataluña, Espanya: la pel·lícula
Disinformation, ignorance and the lack of dissemination of the Catalan reality in the rest of Spain make it necessary for civil society to reach an understanding.
Rejas en la memoria