After leading a jury to wrongly sentence a man, Abigail enters her new teaching job at the law school with a newfound commitment to ethics. When she takes over her new class, it includes Vincent, an intensely ambitious student who will do anything for an A. When Abigail fails him for academic dishonesty, Vincent threatens that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. As Vincent's devious plot begins to unravel, she must take her life into her own hands, or Vincent will take it himself.
2525 A.D. Man has colonized the stars. The wealthy and powerful implant their brains in cloned versions of themselves to gain immortality. As a side-effect, occasionally a clone develops mutant abilities. A clonehunter and his new partner have to track down a clone who threatens to destroy the planet unless the rich man he was cloned for gives him all his wealth.
Zombie Patron
William Anderson foi um assassino cruel que matava homens, mulheres e crianças sem piedade até que foi brutalmente executado na cidade de Sunset Valley, o Vale da Morte. Ao ressuscitar dos mortos como um demônio do Inferno, Bloody Bill persegue e caça todos aqueles que entram em sua cidade fantasma, no Vale da Morte. Agora um grupo de universitários tem que achar uma maneira de destruir Bloody Bill ou estará condenado a pertencer ao seu exército de mortos-vivos.