Tina Regtien


The Climb
Eileen Barto
Baltimore, 1959. Danny's dad is the only man in the neighborhood who didn't fight in World War II. Danny, who's 12, gets teased and folks make nasty cracks about cowards. An old radio tower on a nearby hill is about to be torn down, and Danny decides to climb it to prove his courage. Help comes from an aging neighbor, Old Man Langer, a former construction foreman who's dying of cancer and wants Danny to help him commit suicide. Langer rigs pulleys and weights to help the lad make the climb. Meanwhile, an aggressive and angry neighbor (an army vet) regularly gets drunk and shoots off his rifle, and Danny's dad must confront him. It all comes to a head one stormy night.
Bread & Roses
Based upon the life of activist and trade unionist (and later MP) Sonja Davies. The film covers her life up to 1956, when, at age 33, she was elected to the Nelson Hospital Board. During this period she develops strong socialist beliefs, marries and divorces, at age 17 trains as a nurse, has a romance (and a child) with an American marine who is killed in WWII action. She battles tuberculosis and marries a former boyfriend when he returns from the war. She becomes part of a women's ill-fated campaign to save the Nelson railway line from closure and begins to be elected to political bodies.
Fome Animal
Lionel (Timothy Balme) é um rapaz quieto e reservado. Ele está apaixonado pela doce Paquita (Diana Penalver) e acredita que eles estão destinados a serem felizes para sempre. Sua mãe Vera (Elizabeth Moody) é possessiva e não gosta de imaginar seu filhinho amando outra pessoa. Quando Lionel e Paquita marcam um encontro romântico no zoológico, Vera os segue e acaba sendo mordida por uma criatura que se assemelha a um macaco. Logo, a mulher começa a se tornar um zumbi. A partir daí, Lionel terá de tentar esconder sua mãe do resto da sociedade antes que a praga zumbi se espalhe.