Robert Purdy

Robert Purdy


Robert Purdy
Robert Purdy
Robert Purdy


Finding Dad
A remarkably self-assured debut, this East London fairytale feels truthful throughout, due to the real-life experiences of the director, and using the same locations. Daisy Fairclough in particular shines as Anita, who sets out with her best friend to find her real father, after the death of her alcoholic mother.
Party Guest
Ammonite se passa em 1840 e é a história da caçadora de fósseis Mary Anning (Kate Winslet), que trabalha sozinha para uma companhia. Com seus dias de fama ficados para trás, ela agora procura por fósseis comuns para vender para turistas, com intuito de sustentar a si mesma e a sua mãe doente. Quando um homem rico lhe oferece um trabalho, Mary passa a criar laços com sua esposa, obrigando as duas mulheres a determinar a verdadeira natureza de seu relacionamento.
Inspired by a best selling novel by British author, Adrian Plass, BIRCHES tells the story of a prominent author/speaker who struggles to pick up the pieces of his life and start over after the untimely death of his young wife.
For Love's Sake
John Dunkhill
For Love's Sake is a faith-based drama based on a true story. After the tragic death of her husband, Mary Walker falls into a spiral of suicidal depression and subsequently loses custody of her two boys. Through the intervention of her church community and a caring therapist, Mary regains her faith, experiences emotional healing, and finds the strength to fight a skeptical bureaucracy for custody of her children.
Oranges and Sunshine
Charity Rep
The story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, who uncovers one of the most significant social scandals in recent times – the forced migration of children from the United Kingdom. Almost singlehandedly, Margaret reunited thousands of families, brought authorities to account and worldwide attention to an extraordinary miscarriage of justice.