Blair Foster

Blair Foster


Blair Foster is a filmmaker who won two Emmys for her work on the Academy Award winning film, Taxi to the Dark Side as well as an Emmy for Martin Scorsese’s George Harrison: Living in the Material World. In 2017 she directed and produced, along with Alex Gibney, Rolling Stone: Stories from the Edge for HBO. She also produced the Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival. Foster produced the Emmy nominated Sinatra: All or Nothing at All and the Peabody Award winning Mr. Dynamite: The Rise of James Brown both directed by Alex Gibney.She is the Executive Producer of The History of the Eagles as well as We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks. In 2012 Foster produced Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream, part of the Peabody Award winning International Why Poverty series. She is the co-creator and director of The Conversation, seven short films about race published by the New York Times Op-Doc series. Blair attended graduate school for history and has a Master’s degree in documentary film from Stanford University.


Blair Foster
Blair Foster


Take Your Pills: Xanax
Executive Producer
Para algumas pessoas, a cura. Para outras, uma maldição. Neste documentário surpreendente, pacientes e especialistas lançam um olhar sobre os ansiolíticos.
Take Your Pills: Xanax
Para algumas pessoas, a cura. Para outras, uma maldição. Neste documentário surpreendente, pacientes e especialistas lançam um olhar sobre os ansiolíticos.
Totally Under Control
Consulting Producer
Este documentário coloca em evidência o fracasso da Casa Branca na resposta à pandemia global e como ela poderia ter sido evitada. Apresentando testemunhos de funcionários de saúde pública e relatórios de investigação, o diretor Alex Gibney revela um colapso em todo o sistema causado por um profundo abandono da liderança presidencial.
Palavras nas Paredes do Banheiro
Casting Associate
Adam é um estudante que sofre de esquizofrenia paranoica acompanhadas de alucinações, e por conta disso, resolve participar do teste de uma nova droga que promete esconder todos estes sintomas de seus colegas de sala.
A Conversation with My Black Son
For generations, parents of black boys across the U.S. have rehearsed, dreaded and postponed œThe Conversation. But when their boys become teenagers, parents must decide how to handle discussions about race. In this short film originally published by The New York Times Op-Docs, parents reveal their struggles with telling their black sons that they may be targets of racial profiling by the police.
Mr. Dynamite - The Rise of James Brown
James Brown changed the face of American music forever. Abandoned by his parents at an early age, James Brown was a self-made man who became one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, not just through his music, but also as a social activist. Charting his journey from rhythm and blues to funk, MR. DYNAMITE: THE RISE OF JAMES BROWN features rare and previously unseen footage, photographs and interviews, chronicling the musical ascension of “the hardest working man in show business,” from his first hit, “Please, Please, Please,” in 1956, to his iconic performances at the Apollo Theater, the T.A.M.I. Show, the Paris Olympia and more.
Roubamos Segredos: A História do WikiLeaks
Executive Producer
Um documentário que detalha a criação do website “WikiLeaks”, e a divulgação de 250 mil documentos sigilosos da diplomacia americana. O que facilitou a maior violação de segurança da história dos EUA. Incluindo informações ácidas sobre diferentes relações com vários países incluindo o Brasil. O site vem sofrendo ataques hackers e pressão de inúmeros governos para seu fechamento. Inicialmente hospedado por uma empresa do grupo Amazon, o Wikileaks já foi obrigado a mudar de servidor e recentemente perdeu seu domínio .org e se mudou para um domínio Suíço, hospedado em servidores franceses.
Um Táxi para a Escuridão
An in-depth look at the torture practices of the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, focusing on an innocent taxi driver in Afghanistan who was tortured and killed in 2002.
Saturday Night Live in the '80s: Lost & Found
Associate Producer
Following the departure of the show's original cast and creator after five seasons, SNL in the '80s is a look back at a decade of turbulent, often uncertain times that included the hiring and firing of several casts, numerous writers, producers and ultimately the revitalization of the show with the return of executive producer Lorne Michaels.