Ted Wass

Ted Wass

Nascimento : 1952-10-27, Lakewood, Ohio, USA


Ted Wass (born October 27, 1952) is an American television director and former actor.


Ted Wass


Triumph Over Disaster: The Hurricane Andrew Story
Bryan Norcross
Relationship problems between a father and son are intensified by Hurricane Andrew.
Pancho Barnes
Frank Clarke
A made for TV movie in which Valerie Bertinelli portrays Florence Pancho Barnes, a bored socialite who decides to learn to fly
Shades of Love: Sunset Court
Dr. Jimmy Fielding
This is the story of Susie Majors, a top-ranked tennis star who is reaching the climax of her career. With her health failing and the tennis crown just in sight, her doctor, Jim Fielding, cautions that continual playing could seriously damage her health. As the competition mounts, Susie realizes that she is in love with the doctor. He is not like any man she has ever known. He's sensitive, sweet, funny, and cares about her beyond her tennis career. She is torn between her love for him and her passion to win the last great match. He wants her to quit playing immediately and she cannot see a life without tennis. To make matters worse, Susie's old lover and coach continually taunts her with his newest find, a young up-and-coming star who could beat Susie. As it turns out, the young ingenue is Susie's competitor in the final match. It is hard battle but Susie wins and stays with her good doctor.
The Canterville Ghost
Harry Canterville
A young American couple inherits an English castle, only to find that it is haunted by the spirit of a disgraced ancestor, doomed to stay on the estate because of his cowardice. The only way he can escape is if one of his descendants performs an heroic act, something he intends to get the husband to do.
Sunday Drive
Paul Sheridan
Two identical cars pull up to a restaurant, one belonging to a childless couple who are taking care of their niece and nephew while their parents are away, who are out on a Sunday drive. The other belonging to a guy who is on his way to meet his fiance and to begin working for her father. In his car is his dog, whom the couple mistake for the children, when they get into his car and drive. While he goes into their car and the children are under a blanket and he mistakenly assumes it's his dog. When they discover the mistake they are both so far away from each other that they don't know what to do.
Elliott Taffle
Three cops become instant millionaires after saving a rich crime victim. They retire from the force and use their money to become flamboyant private detectives. They get involved in cases involving the death of an artist, underworld figures, blackmail and a fix on baseball games.
The Longshot
Four losers borrow money from gangsters to bet on a "sure thing", but lose. The gangsters go after them to get their money.
Os Pecados dos Pais
Fresh out of law school, Kevan Harris is hired by her dead father's ex-partner, Frank Murchison, and immediately 'falls into bed' with him. She then falls in love with his son, Gregory, who is fighting his father over his mother's will. Along the way, she learns about her father and his relationship with the ruthless Murchison.
O Céu Continua Esperando
Bobby Shelton
Harry é o típico empresário explorador de novos talentos. Sempre com a sua jaqueta vermelha e o charuto aceso, Harry (George Burns, de "Alguém lá em Cima Gosta de MIm") é uma verdadeira tentação para os jovens artistas que buscam o sucesso. Por um precinho "super" especial, ele é capaz de transformar qualquer pessoa numa grande estrela do "Show Biz". E para Bobby Shelton, um jovem músico capaz de tudo para conquistar a fama, Harry teria "caído do céu", mas pelo contrário, o inmescrupuloso empresário oferece ao pobre Shelton (Ted Wass) mais um de seus contratos diabólicos.
Sheena, a Rainha das Selvas
Vic Casey
Abandonada órfã no território Zambouli, a loira Sheena, é criada por uma nobre tribo e aprende a se comunicar telepaticamente com todas as criaturas. Ela tem sua primeira lição sobre o amor quando conhece Vic Casey, um esperto repórter de televisão. Na África, para cobrir a história de um jogador de futebol da realeza, o príncipe Otwani, Vic, logo se vê envolvido numa teia de intrigas políticas. E quando o malvado príncipe decide invadir a terra dos Zamboulis, é a hora de Sheena, resgatar Vic, e salvar seu idílico reino!
A Maldição da Pantera Cor-de-Rosa
Sergeant Clifton Sleigh
O inspetor Clouseau desaparece e o mundo exige que o segundo melhor detetive do mundo procure por ele. No entanto, o inimigo de Clouseau, Dreyfus, manipula o computador para selecionar, em vez disso, o pior detetive do mundo: O sargento da polícia de Nova York, Clifton Sleigh. Não demora para Sleigh começar a fazer trapalhadas na investigação, enquanto escapa de assassinos e policiais corruptos, fazendo-os se questionarem se ele não seria parente de Clouseau.
Baby Sister
David Mitchell
Sultry college dropout Annie Burroughs moves in with her older sister Marsha and proceeds to break up the relationship between Marsha and her live-in boyfriend David Mitchell so Annie can begin a sensuous love affair and have David all for herself.
I Was a Mail Order Bride
Robert Fitzgerald
On a bet with one of his practical-joking partners, a Los Angeles lawyer responds to an ad from a pretty Chicago magazine writer offering herself as a bridal candidate as an investigative reporting assignment, and then makes another bet that he can keep the relationship platonic for two weeks.
The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal
The story of a fire in the Triangle Shirt Mfg. Co. building in New York City in 1911 that resulted in the deaths of 146 employees, mostly young women. The ensuing investigation revealed the company's almost total disregard for its workers' safety in pursuit of increased production and profits, and resulted, among other things, in the passage of new worker safety laws and the formation of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.