Production Manager
Domenico Modguno is a horn dog who loves looking up skirts and travels back to Italy to stay with his brother and wife. His brothers stepdaughter is hot and he spends most of the movie forcing himself on her, and for a change of pace her mother.
Production Manager
Niccolò Vivaldi is a cello player and he plays in Arena di Verona Orchestra. But he is not the first and neither the second cello. He is frustrated. Nobody can remember his face, nor his name. Niccolò is married to Costanza, who is really beautiful and he takes some pictures of her naked. Later he shows the pictures to a friend and so he feels better. He starts to write a comic opera called "Il merlo maschio" only to discover later he had written Rossini's "La gazza ladra". To maintain his self-esteem he can only show his wife...
Production Manager
Annabella marries Soranzo. She happens to also be pregnant by Giovanni — who also happens to be her brother. Destiny, and jealousies threaten to expose her past, and Soranzo plots revenge.
Production Manager
Seis curtas em que são apresentadas histórias interessantes, com críticas aos costumes da sociedade em diferentes aspectos. Abrangem, a literatura infantil, a cabeleira masculina, o trânsito, as visitas de soberanos às antigas colônias, a falsidade e o ciúme.
Production Assistant
Um dos grandes filmes baseados em histórias em quadrinhos de todos os tempos do diretor Mario Bava.
Production Manager
Cinco histórias diferentes que tem como tema a mulher na sociedade.
Production Manager
In Italy in the 60's it is difficult to get a divorce. Carlo gets a visit from his Swedish wife, but he is already remarried. Every time he meets a new woman, he vanishes away from the last wife.
Production Manager
An anthology film / black comedy about three ordinary men who become involved in violent crimes.
Line Producer
An exasperated police inspector receives different eyewitness accounts surrounding a downed saucer and its female occupant.
Production Manager
O professor Sinigaglia (Marcello Mastroianni) é o personagem-título deste drama italiano sombrio e cômico sobre trabalhadores de fábrica maltratados na cidade de Turim. Trabalhando em condições pavorosas em uma fábrica de têxteis, esses funcionários não têm ninguém para defendê-los até Sinigaglia colocar sua carreira acadêmica em risco, ajudando-os a iniciar uma greve. Embora o professor seja investigado por autoridades antipáticas, ele mantém sua dedicação à causa dos trabalhadores. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Production Manager
Durante o conturbado processo de unificação italiana na Sicília, o príncipe Don Fabrizio passa a simpatizar com os ideais socialistas, mas não gosta da ideia de perder seu prestígio e privilégios.
Production Manager
Baseado na bíblica história de Sodoma e Gomorra, cidades dominadas pelas tentações e pelo pecado, o filme conta a saga de Lot (Stewart Granger).
Lot, homem justo e sobrinho de Abraão, retira o povo hebreu do deserto e conduz a duas cidades, Sodoma e Gomorra. Lá o povo hebreu, com excessão de Lot, é, aos poucos, dominados pelos prazeres e pelo pecado, corrompendo a carne e o espírito.
Tais corrupções despertarão a ira de Deus, e Lot, como líder do povo, irá tentar salvar seu povo do maior castigo divino sobre a terra.
Production Manager
Enrico is a struggling journalist in the Rome of 1945. He receives a phone call informing him that his younger brother Lorenzo has died. Enrico recalls their long and difficult relationship; he was brought up by their poor but warm-hearted grandmother, Lorenzo was raised as a gentleman by a wealthy local aristocrat. Reunited in the Florence of the 1930s, Enrico becomes his spoilt brother's keeper, forever haunted by a sense of guilty responsibility towards a man he both hates and loves.
Production Manager
Itália, 1916. Oreste Jacovacci e Giovanni Busacca são chamados, como todos os jovens italianos, para servir o exército na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Ambos tentam de todas as maneiras evitar servir o exército. Giovanni paga Oreste, acreditando em suas falsas promessas de fazê-lo escapar da convocação. Mas o destino os faz se encontrarem de novo no trem que vai para a frente de batalha. Em 1959 ganhou o Leão de Ouro em Veneza.
Production Manager
When peasant girl Nives is deserted by smuggler Gino Lodi, she betrays him to the police. Police officer Enzo Cinti, who loves Nives, traces her to the Po River cane-fields, where she is working as a cutter to support herself and an infant son, and warns her that Gino has escaped from prison and is seeking revenge. She rejects his offer to protect her. Gino finds Nives, mourning the drowning death of their son. He surrenders himself to the police and then walks at Nives' side in the funeral procession.
Production Manager
Átila, o líder dos hunos bárbaros e chamado pelos romanos de "O Flagelo de Deus", varre a península italiana, derrotando todos os exércitos de Roma, até que ele e seus homens alcançam os portões da própria cidade.
Production Manager
Boscotrecase, província de Nápoles: Antonio acabou de voltar do serviço militar e está encarando a dura realidade do pós-guerra, aprendendo a arte de sobreviver. Ele tem a mãe e várias irmãs para sustentar sozinho, e por isso ele aceita todo emprego que aparece. Logo conhece Carmela, filha do fabricante de fogos de artifício da cidade, que Antonio rejeita no começo devido a sua situação financeira, mas ela não desiste, e logo ele também a quer a todo custo.
Production Manager
The story of 5 girls among 200 who answer a wanted ad for a modest secretarial position, which leads overcrowding in the building and a tragic accident.
Unit Manager
A professor was appointed member of the jury of a beauty contest and falls for a beautiful contestant. In order to get the girl he must win the "Tour of Italy", so professor sells his soul to the devil to get the winning and the girl.
Production Manager
A singer saves a heavy alcoholic journalist. Fate has a new meeting for them: the two are found in a police station where she was brought with the accusation of prostitution.