Grigoriy Malikov


Space Dogs: Aventura na Lua
Preparem-se para decolar numa aventura fora deste mundo com o astronauta adolescente canino, Pushok, que está determinado a encontrar o seu pai astronauta desaparecido. Contra todas as probabilidades, Pushok parte em um foguete norte-americano para a lua, mas logo descobre que não está sozinho, quando se reencontra com sua mãe e encontra um macaco e uma alienígena bebê. Juntos, os heróis peludos aprendem o verdadeiro significado do trabalho em equipe ao se unirem na busca pelo pai de Pushok.
A modern adaptation of a famous classis Ivan Turgenev novel.
Кровь за кровь
The Confrontation
In the apartment of Anna, who, judging by her testimony to the investigation, was on a business trip, a fire broke out at night. The son was saved, but as a result of a nervous shock he was speechless. The investigation, the mother and father of the child will find out the true cause of the tragedy.
Dangerous for Your Life!
A funny comedy about a very adventurous day in a life of Stepan Molodtsov - a very responsible youn man.
Жил отважный капитан
Молодые люди
друг Василия
We're from Jazz
A music student is expeled from school because he loves jazz, a kind of music that represents the US capitalism. He hires two street musicians to form a dixie band, and goes from one city to another trying to gain fame.
К своим!..
Опасные пустяки
Прощальная гастроль «Артиста»
Little Tragedies
A feature film based on the three-part adaptation of the poetic and dramatic cycle of Alexander Pushkin
Funny People!
Схватка в пурге
The young girl Olga Vasilyeva grew up in an orphanage. She never knew her mother and wants to find her. The only trace she has is a preserved letter from her mother from her personal file, which she managed to get from the administration of the orphanage. For a short vacation at her factory school, she travels from Sverdlovsk to Moscow following the unreliable traces of this letter. Yelena Alekseyevna — the woman she finds when she arrives at the address turns out to be a teacher in a ballet school, the wife of an ordinary senior teacher at the Moscow Technical Institute (who didn't defend his dissertation and is complacent about this) and an old-Moscow intellectual. She kindly meets her, but she is not the person Olga is looking for, she only has the same last name and first name and consonant middle name. She is kind and hospitable, ready to help the girl find her real mother and offers Olga to visit her house during a short stay in Moscow.