Joe Chevalier


Set Decoration
The vows of an ambitious young American priest are tested during World War II. Not only does Father John Flaherty get involved with the black market to raise money for the Vatican, he also falls in love with a young French nun.
O Prisoneiro de Zenda
Set Decoration
Anthony Hope's classic tale gets a decidedly 'un-classic' treatment at the hands of Peter Sellers. Following the story somewhat, friends of the new King Rudolph of Ruritania fear for his life, and switch him with a look-a-like London cabby. Throw in two(!) lovely blondes, treachery, and a battle for life and honour, and enjoy life at its zaniest.
Escalado para Morrer
Property Master
Professor de arte e colecionador de obras de arte, Jonathan Hemlock (Clint Eastwood) financia seu hobby fazendo "eliminação" para um obscuro orgão do governo. Apesar de estar aposentado, ele é forçado, através de chantagem, a fazer um último trabalho. Segundo a organização, a vítima é um dos três alpinistas que tentarão escalar o Eiger pela face norte. Trata-se de uma empreitada bem difícil, tanto que o próprio Hemlock já fracassou duas vezes ao tentar escalá-lo. Para ajudá-lo no seu preparo Jonathan conta com Ben Bowman (George Kennedy), de quem é amigo há vários anos.
Buona parte di Paolina
Production Design
Paulina, sister of Napoleon I, is married to Camillo Borghese, presented as a helpless coward. She is eager to offer herself to all the young people that propose to her, and performs naked in front of the Roman people flocking to the walls of Villa Borghese, which she turned into a private residence. She also poses half naked for the famous statue of Canova, who is also presented as a effeminate and scoundrel. When her reputation as a depraved spreads, on the advice of the Pope, she is segregated away from all the men. when the French troops deport from Rome the Pope and the cardinals as well, Paulina sees prostitution as the only way to find herself some "fresh meat". Finally after seven years villa Borghese is reopened to the public, as Paulina goes back to Paris, to the great relief of the Roman people and the clerical circles.