Joyce Tu


Mother of All Lies
Makeup Artist
Adopted teenager Sara goes in search of her birth mother Abby, only to find the woman in prison for bank robbery and manslaughter. In an upcoming parole hearing, Sara helps Abby win release, and decides to spend the summer with her before leaving for college. But Sara soon finds herself in danger as her mother returns to her former partner in crime....
Minha Vida Como Uma Menina Morta
Makeup Department Head
Quando o cafetão de Brittany mata sua amiga Chelsea, ela retorna anos depois para assumir o resto que sobrou da família de Chelsea. Ela tenta esconder sua identidade, mas a verdade logo começa a aparecer.
The Timekeeper
Makeup Artist
A watchmaker, who pawns time from people who waste it, is forced to question his own use of time...
Estudante De Honra
Makeup Artist
Em uma noite de autógrafos, Reggie Howarth encontra Teresa, uma ex-aluna do presídio feminino, que afirma que Reggie roubou sua história para escrever seus livros. Agora, Teresa quer que Reggie lhe devolva sua vida e ameaça destruir a dele.
Key Makeup Artist
After Little Boy Lee and his family dump an old mattress in an alley, the mattress sparks an all-out suburban war. Dodging rotten eggs and Molotov cocktails, it’s up to the youngest member of the Lee family to do the right thing.