Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding countryside. With precious moments ticking by, he must flee with his son and pregnant wife if they have any hope of surviving the rapid forces of mother nature.
Noah and Madison are artists who want to change the world, and they begin their marriage as most couples do - full of hope and idealism, sure that their love will solve all their problems. But marriage isn't all about the great times people post on social media. It's also about the arguments over petty stuff, and the arguments over big stuff, and the longstanding resentments that no one wants to even bring up. Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage tells a story of raw authenticity in seven episodes spanning fourteen years of their marriage as they reckon with racism, career challenges, medical issues, and more.
As mães suburbanas do futebol estão constantemente competindo umas contra as outras em suas vidas pessoais, enquanto seus filhos resolvem suas diferenças no campo.
É a história de um policial texano que perde sua mãe, a guarda de sua filha e, eventualmente, seu emprego. Inspirado por uma das maiores canções já escritas, vemos o oficial Jim Arnaud aplicar essa canção de ninar de sua mãe, em sua vida, durante seu contínuo e hilariante colapso nervoso.
A bumbling young film crew, shooting a low-budget horror movie in an abandoned orphanage, discovers that a family of sadistic killers has rewritten their script.