Alexander Marthin


Visual Effects Supervisor
Sol, de sete anos, passa o dia na casa do avô, ajudando nos preparativos de uma festa surpresa para o pai. Ao longo do dia, o caos toma conta aos poucos, destruindo os alicerces da família.
Visual Effects Compositor
A love-struck man discovers he has an incurable illness shortly after meeting the woman of his dreams.
Monster Busters
The 12-year-old Oliver discovers that his grandfather used to be a monster hunter and is keeping a shadow monster locked up in his secret cellar. When the shadow monster accidentally escapes, Oliver and his younger brother Lasse have to follow their grandfather's instructions and enlist their friends to catch the monster and bring it back - before it is too late! »Monster Busters« is based on an idea of the universe in the children's book series by Jacob Weinreich.
O Acusado nas Grades
Visual Effects
À primera vista, Henrik, Nina e a filha de 14 anos, Stine, formam uma família perfeita. Mas um dia, Stine acusa o pai de ter cometido um crime atroz. Ele é preso enquanto a investigação avança.