Peter Loehr


A Grande Muralha
Quando um guerreiro mercenário é preso dentro da Grande Muralha, ele descobre o mistério por trás de uma das maiores maravilhas do mundo. Como onda após a onda de bestas a assediar a estrutura maciça, a sua busca por fortuna transforma-se numa jornada rumo ao heroísmo. E com ele se junta um enorme exército de guerreiros de elite para enfrentar a força inimaginável e aparentemente imparável.
Go Lala Go!
He Hao De / Howard
About a working class woman climbing her way up the corporate ladder and scoring a hot, rich boyfriend along the way, this romantic comedy is based on the same-name popular novel.
Órfãos da Guerra
Um jovem inglês lidera um grupo de 60 órfãos em uma jornada de 500 milhas pelo meio das perigosas montanhas nevadas de Liu Pan Shan até a fronteira com o deserto da Mongólia, onde estariam seguros. Nesse caminho ele se torna amigo de uma líder comunista e se apaixona por uma enfermeira americana.
An actor becomes increasingly introverted and psychotic and his entire family attempts to intervene.
An aged father and his younger, mentally challenged son have been working hard every day to keep the bathhouse running for a motley group of regular customers. When his elder son, who left years ago to seek his fortune in the southern city of Shenzhen, abruptly returns one day, it once again puts under stress the long-broken father-son ties. Presented as a light-hearted comedy, Shower explores the value of family, friendship, and tradition.
A Beautiful New World
A satirical comedy about a country bumpkin who goes to the big city, and ends up teaching the cynical city folk a few lessons about basic human decency. The hero leaves home for the first time to go to Shanghai, to collect his lottery prize - a brand new apartment. However, when he arrives, he is told by the developers that his apartment block will take a year and a half to complete. He decides to find a job in Shanghai and wait for his apartment to materialise...
Spicy Love Soup
Six different episodes about different generations' relationships. Love can be sweet, sour, or spicy.