Catarina Mourão
Nascimento : , Lisbon, Portugal
Catarina Mourão estudou música, direito e cinema (Mestrado na Universidade de Bristol e Doutoramento pela Universidade de Edimburgo, bolseira da FCT em ambos). Fundadora da AporDoc (Associação pelo Documentário Português). Dá aulas de Cinema e Documentário desde 1998 em diferentes Licenciaturas e Mestrados. Em 2000 cria com Catarina Alves Costa a Laranja Azul, produtora independente de cinema. É neste contexto que realiza os seus filmes que têm sido sempre premiados e exibidos em festivais internacionais. As suas áreas principais de investigação são o documentário, a memória, o sonho, o arquivo e a autobiografia. O seu filme “A toca do Lobo” estreou no Festival de Roterdão e foi exibido em sala em circuito comercial.
The painter Ana Marchand always felt a bit dislocated in her family. The love of art and travel, where did she get those from? As a young woman she saw a travel book written by her uncle Maurizio Piscicelli and finally understood. Catarina Mourão follows Ana’s familiar and spiritual journey. Who was Maurizio? Who is Ana? The face of one, the face of the other. Reincarnation are the several lives we live.
The painter Ana Marchand always felt a bit dislocated in her family. The love of art and travel, where did she get those from? As a young woman she saw a travel book written by her uncle Maurizio Piscicelli and finally understood. Catarina Mourão follows Ana’s familiar and spiritual journey. Who was Maurizio? Who is Ana? The face of one, the face of the other. Reincarnation are the several lives we live.
“The whistle man” was a typical character of the portuguese sea-side during the Fascist Portugal. His story has so many versions that he has become a myth: A poor crazy man who lost his baby girl, a professional homeless who lived from the charity of rich families, a pedofile or a summer father Christmas. His whistle announced his arrival and attracted boys and girls or made them run away. Last year I found 30 seconds of footage of this man which until then was just a memory. Is he more real now?
“The whistle man” was a typical character of the portuguese sea-side during the Fascist Portugal. His story has so many versions that he has become a myth: A poor crazy man who lost his baby girl, a professional homeless who lived from the charity of rich families, a pedofile or a summer father Christmas. His whistle announced his arrival and attracted boys and girls or made them run away. Last year I found 30 seconds of footage of this man which until then was just a memory. Is he more real now?
“The whistle man” was a typical character of the portuguese sea-side during the Fascist Portugal. His story has so many versions that he has become a myth: A poor crazy man who lost his baby girl, a professional homeless who lived from the charity of rich families, a pedofile or a summer father Christmas. His whistle announced his arrival and attracted boys and girls or made them run away. Last year I found 30 seconds of footage of this man which until then was just a memory. Is he more real now?
Todas as famílias guardam segredos. A minha não é excepção. Primeiro descubro um velho filme de 9.5 mm, depois redescubro os velhos álbuns de infância da minha mãe onde as fotografias me parecem todas ilusões ópticas. Mais tarde o meu avô que nunca conheci revela-se e fala comigo num estranho programa de televisão. Neste viagem quero desvendar os segredos e mistérios da minha família durante a Ditadura mas que perduram ainda hoje. Entre passado e presente procuro reinterpretar velhas memórias e descobrir novas verdades, apesar do silêncio e das portas fechadas.
Catarina Mourão
Todas as famílias guardam segredos. A minha não é excepção. Primeiro descubro um velho filme de 9.5 mm, depois redescubro os velhos álbuns de infância da minha mãe onde as fotografias me parecem todas ilusões ópticas. Mais tarde o meu avô que nunca conheci revela-se e fala comigo num estranho programa de televisão. Neste viagem quero desvendar os segredos e mistérios da minha família durante a Ditadura mas que perduram ainda hoje. Entre passado e presente procuro reinterpretar velhas memórias e descobrir novas verdades, apesar do silêncio e das portas fechadas.
Todas as famílias guardam segredos. A minha não é excepção. Primeiro descubro um velho filme de 9.5 mm, depois redescubro os velhos álbuns de infância da minha mãe onde as fotografias me parecem todas ilusões ópticas. Mais tarde o meu avô que nunca conheci revela-se e fala comigo num estranho programa de televisão. Neste viagem quero desvendar os segredos e mistérios da minha família durante a Ditadura mas que perduram ainda hoje. Entre passado e presente procuro reinterpretar velhas memórias e descobrir novas verdades, apesar do silêncio e das portas fechadas.
'One day I realized it no longer made sense to make things to hang on walls'... Lourdes Castro became known as the artist 'who took care of shadows'. Throughout her international career as an artist, Lourdes developed the concept of shadow, giving it different forms and finally reducing it to the minimum and dematerializing it. She has lived in Munich, Berlin and Paris, but 40 years ago she decided to return to Madeira, her birth place, where she has lived ever since 'in the shadows'. 'What is Lourdes 'taking care of' nowadays?
'One day I realized it no longer made sense to make things to hang on walls'... Lourdes Castro became known as the artist 'who took care of shadows'. Throughout her international career as an artist, Lourdes developed the concept of shadow, giving it different forms and finally reducing it to the minimum and dematerializing it. She has lived in Munich, Berlin and Paris, but 40 years ago she decided to return to Madeira, her birth place, where she has lived ever since 'in the shadows'. 'What is Lourdes 'taking care of' nowadays?
'One day I realized it no longer made sense to make things to hang on walls'... Lourdes Castro became known as the artist 'who took care of shadows'. Throughout her international career as an artist, Lourdes developed the concept of shadow, giving it different forms and finally reducing it to the minimum and dematerializing it. She has lived in Munich, Berlin and Paris, but 40 years ago she decided to return to Madeira, her birth place, where she has lived ever since 'in the shadows'. 'What is Lourdes 'taking care of' nowadays?
'One day I realized it no longer made sense to make things to hang on walls'... Lourdes Castro became known as the artist 'who took care of shadows'. Throughout her international career as an artist, Lourdes developed the concept of shadow, giving it different forms and finally reducing it to the minimum and dematerializing it. She has lived in Munich, Berlin and Paris, but 40 years ago she decided to return to Madeira, her birth place, where she has lived ever since 'in the shadows'. 'What is Lourdes 'taking care of' nowadays?
Mãe e filha recorrem à mediação para tentar resolver um conflito familiar.
"I was born beneath this water. I was 10 years old when it all happened. Some things I remember well, others are blurred and confused. People change address, new churches are built, new bakeries, houses and streets ... But in this case, everything changed at the same time. Perhaps it was a way of pretending that nothing moved at all." During six years the makers shot this film in Luz Village (Portugal), condemned to disappear beneath the waters of the Alqueva dam. Especially for this project, a new village was constructed. But the forced migration does not pass very smoothly, since existing social structures, as well as the unique relation with nature are being disturbed. Combining these images with stories told by children who recollect their life during the moving process, this documentary presents the strange story of this village.
À Flor da Pele, um documentário de Catarina Mourão, conta a história de um grupo de crianças dos oito aos 14 anos de um bairro social do Porto, onde muitos vivem no limiar da pobreza e o futebol é o elemento comum.
Executive Producer
A documentary about Álvaro Siza Vieira in Cape Verde and his project to restore the old town of Ribeira Grande, the first city to be built by the Portuguese in Cape Verde on the island of Santiago in 1462.
Um diário em flashback sobre a experiência da realizadora em confronto com o projecto que lhe foi encomendado por um canal de televisão.
Houses to sell…houses to live in…houses to fill and die in… Mr. António Carlos works in a real estates agency, he is pressurized daily by his superiors to close contracts and bring profit to the company. Joana, a single mother, and her baby, Joaquim, are moving house hoping for a different life. Mr. Pinto has an old-fashioned removal company and his days are spent waiting for the phone to ring, but there isn’t much work and when finally work shows up it always hides a surprise. Three stories set in Oporto, Portugal, about people, houses, and restless lonely urban lives.
Pela casa de Aida em Chandor, um retrato do confronto da cultura portuguesa com a indiana.