Isaak Makhlis


Production Design
In the fairy kingdom live stepmother, her evil daughters — Anna and Maryana, a limp husband-forester and his daughter from his first marriage — Cinderella. The stepmother exploits the poor girl as a housekeeper. With the help of her godmother-fairy, Cinderella gets to the royal ball, where a beautiful and very kind prince falls in love with her. At midnight, the magic ends, and poor Cinderella has to return to her former life. But on the crystal shoe that Cinderella lost while fleeing the palace to the battle of the palace chimes, the prince searches for the bride.
Art Direction
The film is based on eponymous play by Nikolay Gogol.
Art Direction
Conta a história sobre Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev (1887-1919), um lendário comandante do Exército Vermelho que se tornou um herói da Guerra Civil Russa. O enredo é baseado no romance de mesmo nome de Dmitri Furmanov, escritor russo e comissário bolchevique que lutou junto com Chapaev.
His Excellency
Production Design
This 1928 film features stylized cinematography and actors from the Moscow Art Theater in a fiction story based on the life of Jewish Labor Bund member Hirsch Lekert who attempted to assassinate the Vilna governor in 1902 to avenge the flogging of workers who participated in a May Day rally.
Pela Lei
Art Direction
Alguns homens em busca de ouro encontram em Klondike uma rica jazida. Porém, um acontecimento inesperado e terrível quebra o curso lento e monótono de seus trabalhos: um dos trabalhadores, o irlandês Michael Davin mata dois de seus companheiros.
Abrek Zaur
Production Design
The dashing mountaineer Zaur (B. Bestaev) kills a Russian "imperialist" thereby becoming an abrek, member of a roving band of outlaws.