Artur Krajewski

Artur Krajewski

Nascimento : 1968-08-04, Białystok, Polska


Artur Krajewski


Ojciec Diego
Precisando de grana para pagar o estúdio de gravação, um rapper com um passado criminoso se mete com o tráfico de drogas. Agora, ele pode perder tudo.
Solid Gold
Zbigniew Gilowski
Kaja Miller é um policial que é sequestrado e abusado em uma de suas missões. Oito anos depois, ela conhece seu ex-chefe Nowicki, que a leva a Gdynia com a tarefa de expor um grande circuito criminal.
Stuffed man
Maciek (35), tricked by his boss, steals his boss's car and goes on a desperate joyride across. He drives across the interior of Poland, where people are preparing for a celebration of an unspecified anniversary. In the meanwhile, Magda (35), a Town Hall employee in charge of the anniversary events, Highly committed at first, gradually notices all the dirt and corruption around her. At some point, she must choose between her career and integrity, whether she should accept it or risk her career and leave. Finally, on the celebration day, Maciek and Magda finally meet. Will it change anything for them?
The story is composed of fragments of lives lived in northern Scania. Some of them are mundane, while others border on the magical. But like shadows over the landscape, some protagonists are distinguished: Beata, a seasonal worker who comes to Sweden for the first time; Aaron, a young man with a broken heart returning to the place where he grew up, and Billie, a girl lost in her first summer vacation. As the film follows their lives, which slowly merge with the landscape.
On a mission from Stalin, a Russian officer sets out to convince Polish soldiers held at POW camps to collaborate with Communist authorities.
Torre. Um Dia Brilhante
A filha de Mula, Nina, está celebrando sua Primeira Comunhão, e parentes se reúnem para a ocasião. Entre eles está a irmã de Mula, Kaja, mãe biológica de Nina, que esteve ausente nos últimos seis anos. Seu retorno desencadeia preocupações em Mula, que desconfia de cada interação entre Kaja e Nina.
60 Kilos of Nothing
Employee Marcin
Christopher becomes a quarry manager. On his first day of work, there is an accident.
Drugi Wąsaty
Janina Duszejko, uma ex-engenheira, astróloga e vegetariana, vive numa pequena aldeia pitoresca nas Montanhas dos Sudetos. Uma noite, ela tropeça no cadáver de um vizinho. O caçador morreu de forma misteriosa. Há vestígios de cascos de cervos na sua casa... Com o tempo, cadáveres dos VIPs locais são descobertos. Todos eles eram caçadores. Duszejko tenta convencer a polícia local de que eles foram assassinados por animais selvagens. À medida que outros VIPs são encontrados mortos, Duszejko se torna a principal suspeita. Quando a casa paroquial local queima e o padre, que também é o capelão da associação de caça local, morre entre as chamas, a polícia está quase certa do culpado. Uma história sutilmente humorística de amizade, amor à natureza e vingança, com personagens únicos e ambíguos. Uma mistura que vai do do drama psicológico à história de detetive de tipo pastiche.
Ania is an apprentice at a small hairdressing parlour along with her best friend, Kasia. The two teenage girls from dysfunctional families share a common dream of becoming professional hair stylists.
Zacma: Blindness
A little known episode from the life of Stalinist security police office Julia Brystiger. Her nickname Bloody Luna was a reference to her incredibly brutal methods of interrogation. In the early 1960s, she appears in a centre for the blind on the outskirts of Warsaw, a place often visited by Cardinal Wyszyński, whose imprisonment in 1953-1956 Brystiger supervised personally. During a difficult and heated discussion with the cardinal, Brystiger denounces the communist ideology and begs for forgiveness for her crimes and for guidance in her search for God.
These Daughters of Mine
A 40-year old actress (single and strong, yet lonely), her sister (an emotionally unstable schoolteacher whose married-with-kids life appears more orderly) and their domineering father, who gradually loses control over his family due to his wife's sudden illness and his own health troubles; these are the three individuals at the heart of this film, a touching story about the strength of family ties in a situation of imminent danger.
Anatomy of Evil
Friend of 'Lulek'
Lulek, a hit man, is released from prison and given an offer he can't refuse by the man who put him away. If he kills the chief of the Central Bureau of Investigations, he will earn a huge sum of money and have his record cleared so he can leave.
Summer Solstice
Coming of Age Drama in rural Poland in the summer of 1943.
The Last Action
When his grandson is beaten by gangsters, a Warsaw veteran gathers his war buddies to take them on.
It's Me, the Thief
ochroniarz w supermarkecie
Jajo to zaniedbany chłopak z rozbitej rodziny. Wzorem życiowego sukcesu jest dla niego "profesja" złodzieja samochodów w elitarnym gangu Maksa. Przed złodziejską karierą przestrzega bohatera właściciel warsztatu samochodowego, w którym on pracuje. Jajo, chcąc zdobyć respekt Maksa, kradnie wspaniałego jaguara, czym jednak niechcący naraża się gangsterowi.
Deserter's Gold
żołnierz na przepustce
"Deserter's Gold", the sequel to the very popular "The Deserters", is a rich war comedy, skipping humorously around the more serious dangers of a war. Deserters Gold takes place during World War II, while the first film happened during WWI. The heroes' mission is to rob a Nazi-run bank in Poland for gold that will buy military supplies for the Polish Underground.
U Pana Boga za piecem
Sławek "Rudy"