George O'Hanlon Jr.

George O'Hanlon Jr.

Nascimento : 1953-12-07, Los Angeles, California, USA


George O'Hanlon Jr.


Battleship: Batalha Naval
Tourist Guide
Épico de ação e aventura que se desenrola entre o mar, o ar e a terra, no momento em que o nosso planeta luta pela sobrevivência contra uma força superior. Baseado no clássico jogo de guerra naval da Hasbro.
Damião: O Santo De Molokai
Baseado em uma história verdadeira, o filme acompanha um padre que, no século 19, se voluntariou para ir até a ilha de Molokai para cuidar dos que foram acometidos por um surto de lepra.
Fuga de Atlântida
Nick Spencer
In order to try to bring together his bickering family, a single father takes his three rebellious teenagers on a vacation trip to the Bahamas. They inadvertently wind up in the Bermuda Triangle, where they are whisked through a time portal and brought to the mythical island of Atlantis. There they are drawn into a fantastical conflict between the peace-loving population and a would-be tyrant determined to take over the island. In their desperate attempts to return home they encounter mythical creatures, evil magicians, and ancient powers.
Voo 243 - Pouso de Emergência
Randall Gillette
Baseado em fatos reais o filme mostra um avião que perde uma boa parte de sua fuselagem durante o voo e é forçado a realizar um pouso de emergência. Caso real: Voo Aloha Airlines 243. O voo Aloha Airlines 243 foi uma linha aérea doméstica estabelecida entre Hilo e Honolulu no Havaí. No dia 28 de abril de 1988, um Boeing 737-297 que servia a linha sofreu um grande dano após uma descompressão explosiva em pleno voo, mas foi capaz de pousar seguramente no aeroporto de Kahului, em Maui. A única fatalidade foi a da aeromoça C.B. Lansing, que foi arremessada para fora da aeronave. Outros 65 passageiros e tripulantes ficaram feridos. O pouso em segurança da aeronave foi considerado sem precedentes.
Island Sons
Young Man
A successful businessman in Hawaii disappears amid allegations of illegal activities. Years later his four sons bear the burden and repercussions of these allegations, as well, taking care of his legacy. Now when a stranger comes all sorts of things happen like a secret that their father kept from them and the truth of their father's disappearance.
Karatê Kid 2: A Hora da Verdade Continua
Ao descobrir que seu pai está à beira da morte, o professor Miyagi volta para Okinawa, no Japão, junto com seu aprendiz, Daniel LaRusso. Na terra natal, o mestre de caratê é surpreendido com a notícia de que Yukie, seu grande e antigo amor, está solteira.
Getting Wasted
Eric Vaughn
An uptight military school gets a dose of hippie-infused rebellion when a group of students gather in support of the 1960s uprising going on around them. When a few students decide to bring the more liberal, artsy side of the revolution onto campus, they face opposition from much of the school's staff.
Beane's of Boston
Franklin Beane
To keep from being fired by his father, Franklin Beane has a bright idea for a theme week for the Mens and Ladies Wear department of Beane's of Boston department store. Pilot episode for a US remake of "Are You Being Served?"
Halloween - A Noite do Terror
Mr. Peter Myers (uncredited)
Na noite de Halloween de 1963, Michael Myers, de seis anos, assassina brutalmente sua irmã. Preso em uma instituição para doentes mentais sob os cuidados do dr. Sam Loomis, Michael cresce apenas para odiar. Em outubro de 1978, ele foge do hospital, seguido pelo dr. Loomis, que sabe que Michael vai matar novamente. O psicopata passa a perseguir a adolescente Laurie Strode e seus amigos, e prepara seu ataque mortal para a noite de Halloween.
The Evil
Pete Brooks
Shortly after moving into a dark, brooding mansion, a psychologist and his co-workers are terrorized by a horrible evil being.
Smash-Up on Interstate 5
In this made-for-TV disaster movie, the lives of a group of motorists are chronicled retrospectively after they're involved in a 39-car pile-up on California's Interstate 5 over 4th of July weekend.
Rafferty and the Gold Dust Twins
Roy - Gas Station Attendant
Hapless driving instructor and former Gunnery Sergeant Rafferty, living in squalor near Hollywood, California, doesn't put up too much of a fight when two ladies hitch a ride and attempt to kidnap him in their attempt to get to New Orleans; while initially put off, Rafferty finds he's charmed by the kooky pair of misfits and the three of them drive to Las Vegas, Nevada and later Tucson, Arizona, where their bond eventually unravels.
The Missing Are Deadly
An emotionally disturbed teenager whose father is a research scientist takes a rat from his father's laboratory that is infected with an incurable virus that can kill 100 million people in three weeks.
Our Time
Drama about students at a girls' school, their boyfriends, and an unexpected pregnancy.
Para Onde Foram Todos?
David Anders
A strange series of solar flares proves fatal for inhabitants of the Earth, except for the fortunate few who are somehow immune from the effects. Animals go insane and human beings turn to white powder, leaving behind only empty clothing. A handful of survivors attempt to rebuild their lives on the de-populated Earth.
A quiet suburb in Southern California is terrorized by a mysterious murderous monster living in a cave. As the bodies pile up -- with incriminating banana peels always near by the crime scene -- a group of teens stumble on the guilty party: a 20-million-year-old Schlockthropus, an ape-like creature with a sense of the absurd.