Hazel Neason

Hazel Neason


Hazel Neason


Alixe; or, the Test of Friendship
Alixe is courted by many admirers. Her most persistent companion is Morton Shaw. Arlington Tappan also loves Alixe, and urges her to give up her associations with Shaw. She does so and is very happy until Arlington becomes more absorbed in his business affairs.
Ida's Christmas
Scenario Writer
A poor young girl finds a purse and returns it to its owner, who decides to reward her honesty.
Ida's Christmas
A poor young girl finds a purse and returns it to its owner, who decides to reward her honesty.
The Penalty of Intemperance
Kate Lewis - the Wife
John comes home intoxicated and his brutal actions compel Kate to seek the protection of the law. He is arrested for cruelty and non-support and sent to the Island. His family becomes destitute, the young girl is sent to a charitable home and Kate and the baby to the hospital on the Island. Later, her health being partially restored, Kate works for her board that she may be near her baby.
Lulu's Anarchist
Lulu Leach is a reader of dime novels. One day she is reading a terrifying tale of anarchists. A foreign-looking man enters the office and asks to see her employer, who is out. He hands her a card and strangely enough bears the same name as the anarchist in her novel. She at once imagines him a nihilist. He is joined by a friend and together they look at the next office and rent it from Pearson, Lulu's employer. When they are gone, Lulu warns her boss, but he only laughs at her. It happens that Lulu's employer goes away for a day or two and leaves the office in her charge. This is her chance.
Ronald's Nurse
A short film about the friendship between a little girl and a stray dog.
The First Violin
Old Von Shultz, the first violin, finds as he grows older a longing for companionship. Hurrying from the theater the old musician finds little Helen sleeping on the steps of the stage door. He picks her up and takes her to his comfortably furnished home. The old man even grows childish, he is so pleased with the little tot's presence and he gives her the love with which his heart abounds. The next day he learns from the morning papers that Helen's mother and father were lost in a fire. He spends many happy hours with her, playing with her toys. He takes her to rehearsals with him, where she is the pet of the musicians. One year later Helen shows an aptness for the stage. This delights the old musician and the child grows nearer and dearer to his heart. A sad blow, however, comes to him when the Children's Society take the little girl away from him and once more he finds himself a lonely old man.
Where the Money Went
Fred Hart, a young businessman, unknown to his wife, draws their savings from the bank with the purpose of buying a home as a birthday surprise for his wife. He finds a real estate agent who has just the kind of a home he is looking for. He has to visit the agent's home during the course of his business transactions, he becomes well acquainted with the agent's family. The real estate man, a camera fiend, suggests to Fred his taking a picture of him and his family. Fred is agreeable and the agent gives him a copy of the picture. Fred puts it in his pocket and returns home to his wife.
For the Honor of the Family
Alice Ryder - the Colonel's Daughter
On account of his extravagance and dissipation, Col. Ryder disowns his son and casts him off. Guy, resolved to redeem himself, joins an Indian regiment as a private, and leaves England.
A Friendly Marriage
A penniless British Lord sets up an arranged marriage with an American heiress. He soon falls in love with her and is determined to support himself financially so they can have a real marriage.
She Came, She Saw, She Conquered
Rose Leigh is a young schoolteacher. She sees a paragraph in the paper, saying that in a certain small village they have had in six months, three teachers (men), and all have left because the boys are so unruly and impossible. She resolves to try the experiment of giving them a woman teacher, and applies for the situation. The trustees of the school, who are at their wits' end, gladly accept the offer.
When a Man’s Married His Trouble Begins
Jack Howard, through hard work, has at last placed himself in a comfortable position and finds himself with his dear little wife, Mabel, located in a little apartment with all the comforts of home. He is now ready to enjoy married life; the strain has been too great, however, and he is almost on the verge of nervous prostration, sick and irritable. Mabel tries to cheer and comfort him; she waits on him and is a truly good and faithful wife, very much concerned about her hubby. She insists he must take a vacation.
His Mother
Donald's Flirt
Donald Gray, living with his mother in Scotland, through the friendship of the family physician, is offered an opportunity to go to America to study medicine. He leaves with his mother's blessings. Five years later, Donald is a physician with a successful practice in New York City. One of his patients has grown very fond of him; at the same time the young physician has grown fond of this gentleman's daughter, and is engaged to be married to her. His mother resolves to pay him an unexpected visit.