Milutin Jasnić


Paor sa brkovima
Two partisans, a man and a woman, try to escape a Nazi manhunt in the infernal landscape of WW2 Vojvodina.
A small story of a small but happy man and his fight against poverty and drought. The story takes place in Kosovo in mid-seventies, and describes one family and her fight for survival.
Wolf of Prokletije
Uka is an old Albanian who lives in the mountains on the border of Kosovo and Albania. As an honorable man, he must deal with his son who befriended Italian fascists during WW2.
A young officer in the army of Empress Catherine of Russia is on his way to his new duty station at a remote outpost. During a blinding snowstorm he comes upon a stranger who was caught in the storm and is near death from freezing. He rescues the man and eventually brings him back to health. When the man is well enough to travel, the two part company and the man vows to repay the officer for saving his life. Soon after he arrives at his new post, a revolt by the local Cossacks breaks out and the fort is besieged by the rebels. The young officer is astonished to find out that the leader of the rebellious Cossacks is none other than the stranger whose life he had saved during the storm.
The Wide Blue Road
Squarciò, a fisherman, lives with his family on a small island off the Dalmatian coast of Italy. Like his fellow villagers, Squarciò struggles against harsh living conditions, a scarcity of fish in nearby waters and exploitation by the local wholesaler. But while the other fishermen continue to use nets, he goes out to the open sea to fish illegally with bombs. But Squarciò borrows money, loses his boat, and in a moment of supreme desperation, has to bomb directly off-shore, causing the hatred and rejection of his fellow fishermen. Trying to save his family, Squarciò and his young sons sail their new boat out beyond the local waters and bomb-fish again. But this time, the sea exacts a terrible toll…
On Foreign Soil
A story about Italian soldiers, enemies who have their own problems and hopes. Based on short stories of Mesa Selimovic, Bosnian writer.
The Unconquered People
As Hitler's Nazi army invades Yugoslavia, a Serbian village girl joins the underground movement, falls in love with the Croat soldier Ivan who is an expert in blowing up trains, and inspires villagers young and old to aggressively participate in the resistance.