Mirvad Kurić

Mirvad Kurić


Mirvad Kurić


May Labor Day
After ten years in Germany, Armin returns to Bosnia. He just got married and wants to surprise his father, but he is not home. Neighbours say that he has been arrested, nobody knows why. The papers say that he is a suspect for the war crime back in the 90s. Armin wants to learn the truth and the neighbourhood to celebrate May Labor Day.
Not So Friendly Neighborhood Affair
Set in Sarajevo in May 2021, the city's famous Old Town tries to recover after a difficult pandemic year. When a visitor from Zagreb comes looking for the best kebabs in town, a harmless gesture causes the disintegration of the business and private lives of several people.
Fudo is a drug addict who decides to quit heroin and reconcile with his mother after his best friend dies. However, people continue to perceive him as an addict and refuse to believe he has really changed. Estranged from the people around him and tortured by feelings of guilt over his best friend's death, Fudo is at risk of returning to his old life.
Quando Tudo Parece Perdido
Inspirada em fatos reais, a história acontece na Bósnia e Herzegovina. Sabina, uma mulher divorciada, mãe de dois filhos pequenos, se apaixona por Sasha, um velho amigo com o qual serviu na guerra. Os dois planejam se casar, mas ele desaparece misteriosamente. Poucas semanas depois, Sabina vai ao médico e descobre que está grávida. À medida que sua gravidez avança, ela perde o emprego, e seu ex-marido tenta tirar dinheiro dela, ameaçando levar as crianças para longe. Sabina se desespera e decide acabar com a própria vida. Então, vai para um albergue e começa a engolir pílulas, ficando inconsciente. O que acontece em seguida está sujeito à opinião de quem assiste ao filme... Porém, uma coisa fica clara: Sabina nunca mais será a mesma.
Our Everyday Life
Family Susic lives everyday Bosnian story. Father Muhamed (63) is employed in a reputable company; mother Marija (60) is retired. Son Sasa (35), who spent the war in Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, lives with his parents, while their daughter Senada (40) lives in Slovenia. Their life begins to fall apart because of father's dissatisfaction after his company is sold on the stock exchange, Sasa's negligent attitude towards work and family, Marija's breast cancer diagnose. When problems begin to line up Muhamed and Sasa realize that actually only family is important, that it is man's last oasis
Um Outro Caminho
Um jovem casal tenta superar obstáculos que ameaçam a sua relação. Quando Amar é demitido por beber no trabalho, aceita um emprego bem remunerado numa comunidade muçulmana fundamentalista afastada da cidade. Luna teme que o afastamento do marido interfira em seus planos de engravidar. Depois de ser proibida de se comunicar com Amar, ela é finalmente autorizada a visitá-lo na comunidade. Luna descobre um ambiente cheio de rituais – um mundo onde a vida diária de homens e mulheres é separada sob vigilância constante. Quando Amar volta pra casa semanas depois, ela nota que sua visão sobre religião mudou. Ela começa a questionar tudo em que antes acreditava, incluindo o desejo de ter um filho.
Marco is caught into a situation where he is unable to protect himself or his son.
Asthmatic grandmother named Safa and her six-month baby granddaughter Jasmina, are transferred in a humanitarian convoy from the besieged Sarajevo to a peaceful small city at the Adriatic coast. By a combination of circumstances, their first neighbour is an alcoholic named Stipe. He is constantly causing troubles and making their lives complicated. During one of her asthma attacks, having no other choices, Safa rings Stipe's bell and hands him the baby. Stipe starts to temporarily take care about baby Jasmina. Safa dies at the hospital and now Stipe is left alone with the baby. He's clumsy, even funny. She becomes his only mission in life. He is not ready to give Jasmina away to anyone. He loved her as if his own granddaughter even daughter. Suddenly someone is at the door. Stipe recognises Jasmina's mother. In spite of all his internal struggles, he returns Jasmina to her mother. Stipe stays alone, again.
Sevdah for Karim
Sarajevo, after 11th September 2001. Karim works as deminer in the hills around the city while waiting to be sent to Iraq with his group. His main reason - the money. But a love story with unhappy ending will change his life. It's a tale about a love triangle between him, his best friend Juka and Ivana, girl from Belgrade, but at the same time this is a story about the clash between West and Islam and how one young Bosnian copes with this issue.
Sarajevo, 1992. They are called Ahmed, Lana, Sado, Saba, Sahbey, Beba, Nemanja, Marx, Matan. They live in and between wartimes. They have "nafaka", the destiny which was bestowed on them by God Almighty. They have enough gallows humor and courage to believe in freedom and happiness.
Across the border
Turin 1993. The architect Agnese is called to the home for war veterans where her ailing father lives. The doctor at the home has left his guest, a Bosnian refugee, on night duty with her father. The commanding officer of the veterans home, a colonel, has discovered the undocumented refugee, Reuf, and has had him arrested. Agnese, who would rather not get involved with refugees, becomes better acquainted with Reuf and is drawn into events which eventually take her to Bosnia. On this journey, she begins to recall her childhood directly after WWII. Experiences made during the two wars converge and the wheel of history turns, without failing to leave its mark.