Sebastián Vogler

Sebastián Vogler


Sebastián Vogler
Sebastián Vogler


Production Design
Production Design
Em Pacifiction, em uma ilha da Polinésia Francesa, uma escritora retorna ao seu país depois de ter triunfado na França com um romance. No entanto, ela está desorientada e em crise criativa. Diante da impossibilidade de escrever novos trabalhos, ela decide aceitar um trabalho de tradução simultânea junto com um embaixador. Uma estranha atração amorosa começa entre eles, cheia de contrastes. Aos poucos ela percebe o cinismo da política internacional, com uma ameaça latente de novos testes nucleares por parte do governo francês. Seu caso de amor com o embaixador será afetado por esse conflito, e interesses políticos e romance se misturam.
Remédio Amargo
Production Design
Ángel (Mario Casas) trabalha como paramédico em serviços emergenciais. Após sofrer um terrível acidente, sua vida ao lado de Vane (Déborah François) começa a sucumbir. Obcecado com a ideia de que ela está sendo infiel, ele entrará numa espiral de paranoia da qual será difícil sair.
Art Direction
Pouco antes da Revolução Francesa, um grupo de libertinos expulsos da corte de Luís XVI foge para a Alemanha, onde se encontram com o lendário sedutor e livre pensador Duc de Walchen. O objetivo deles? Exportar a libertinagem, uma filosofia baseada na rejeição da moralidade e autoridade.
Os Indesejados da Europa
Production Design
O filme refaz os acontecimentos de uma trilha nos Pireneus, dos que fugiam do fascismo que naquele momento infectava o coração da Europa. Catalães e militantes internacionalistas que fugiram do regime de Franco. Antes: Judeus comunistas e dissidentes pelos Nazistas logo depois.
A Morte de Luís XIV
Production Design
No ano de 1715, mais especificamente no mês de agosto, o monarca Luís XIV (Jean-Pierre Léaud) começa a sentir dores na perna. Ele continua a exercer suas funções nos dias seguintes, mas passa a ter sonos intranquilos, além de problemas com alimentação e febre. Cada dia mais fraco, acompanhamos os lentos últimos dia da sua vida.
Sonata for Cello
Art Direction
Julia, an attractive and elegant woman, is a renowned cellist devoted to her music. After years of intermittent pain in different parts of her body, Julia is finally given the diagnosis: fibromyalgia, a chronic medical disorder that has no known cause or cure. She soon finds herself submerged in a personal state of hell, struggling against her own body.
The film takes place in Ireland – an Ireland where people speak Catalan with a Fassbinder accent – from the 1930 to today, and follows in several parallel directions the sprawling saga of two rival gold mines, the exploitation of artists by Capital, and the simultaneous opening of a brothel where women do not like men. Because he does things his own way, Albert Serra’s most narrative and wordy film was not meant for cinema: produced by the Venice Biennale, it was part of an installation, its chapters shown simultaneously on several screens. Singularity could very well have been called “Velvet Goldmine”, as it sings the meeting of brothels and tunnels, of a golden stud and lustful bodies (both shown as abstractions).
Falling Star
Production Design
During a brief rule towards the end of the 19th century, the Italian duke Amadeo of Savoy occupied the Spanish throne. However, confined to the safety of life within the palace walls, the lonely, frustrated king and his servants succumb to playful adventures focused more on pleasure than his duties.
Story of My Death
Production Design
Casanova meets a new servant who will witness his last moments in life, from a castle with its libertine 18th century atmosphere to the poor, shadowy Northern lands. There, his rationalist way of thinking and mundane world will succumb to a violent and romantic force, represented by Count Dracula.
Story of My Death
Casanova meets a new servant who will witness his last moments in life, from a castle with its libertine 18th century atmosphere to the poor, shadowy Northern lands. There, his rationalist way of thinking and mundane world will succumb to a violent and romantic force, represented by Count Dracula.
The Three Little Pigs
Art Direction
A 101-hour long reflection on the construction of Europe, its cultural identity and its foundations through the complete adaptation of the texts ‘Conversations with Goethe’ by J. P. Eckermann, ‘Hitler’s Table Talks’ and ‘Fassbinder über Fassbinder: Die ungekürzten Interviews’ (a compilation of interviews with the German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, which is used as a counterpoint to the first two books). The texts are read, page by page, by non-professional actors.