Lorraine Godfrey


Happy End
Makeup & Hair
Val is 23 years old and full of dreams. She travels to New York to become an actress. She is lonely in a strange country, in a strange city, with little money and no friends. In her path, she meets weird people who they, also, seek their dreams but everyday life gets in the way. Tired and hungry she sits on the corner of a building. Across the street a writer whose fantasy has dry out. In an instant she becomes his muse... At the Oscar's night she will be the one with the Golden Globe in her hands.
Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There
Makeup & Hair
Broadway: The Golden Age is the most important, ambitious and comprehensive film ever made about America's most celebrated indigenous art form. Award-winning filmmaker Rick McKay filmed over 100 of the greatest stars ever to work on Broadway or in Hollywood. He soon learned that great films can be restored, fine literature can be kept in print - but historic Broadway performances of the past are the most endangered. They leave only memories that, while more vivid, are more difficult to preserve. In their own words — and not a moment too soon — Broadway: The Golden Age tells the stories of our theatrical legends, how they came to New York, and how they created this legendary century in American theatre. This is the largest cast of legends ever in one film.
Mais um Verão Americano
Key Hair Stylist
No verão de 1981, um grupo de adolescentes vai para o Acampamento Firewood sob a supervisão de Beth (Janeane Garofalo). Chegando próximo do fim do encontro, os jovens decidem que vão fazer valer ao máximo o tempo que passaram juntos, e para isso precisam esclarecer situações e romances mal-resolvidos, assim, junto com os professores, aprontam muitas loucuras tentando superar a timidez, ter suas primeiras aventuras sexuais ou até mesmo chorar as mágoas do fim de um relacionamento. Enquanto isso, um astrônomo (David Hyde Pierce) aparece no local avisando que um pedaço de satélite caindo do espaço pode destruir o acampamento.