Ettore Nicoletti

Ettore Nicoletti


Ettore Nicoletti


Papaya 69
The uneventful encounter between Eva and Rainbow will give each of them a chance to reconcile with themselves and take revenge.
Il caso Pantani - L'omicidio di un campione
Andrea Agostini
The Pantani case, a film directed by Domenico Ciolfi, tells the story of the last five years in the life of the cyclist from Romagna, in particular from 5 June 1999, when he was suspended from racing, to 14 February 2004, the day of his death. His untimely death in unclear circumstances, which have opened several judicial inquiries, was a shock to the world of cycling, which lost its Pirate on Valentine's Day. The film is a tribute to this Italian sporting hero, remembering him as a young man who, riding his bike, reached several milestones but was defeated in a fatal match.
Dragan's Pack
A young werechihuahua needs to find out the truth about his father, one of the most famous werewolves in town.
Hitler's Balls
Adolf Hitler
Hitler is not dead. He is hiding in the woods. With a gypsy woman. Their son is Donald Trump. Two nazi hunters women are tracking him down.
Made in Italy
Riko é um homem honesto, que pode contar com um grupo de amigos de verdade e uma esposa que, entre altos e baixos, ele ama para sempre. Mas ele também é um homem muito zangado com o seu tempo, que parece ser pontuado apenas por falsas promessas.
Io ci sono
In an alternate present, Paolo's job is to anonymously counsel the employees of his company. He's the best in what he does, but an employee's suicide attempt might call into question his life as he knows it.
Beautiful People
Luca Hicks
A group of thieves have the tables turned on them during a home invasion. Hidden in the basement they find the remains of secret viral lab experiments gone savagely wrong. Now they must escape before they are infected with a new strain of virus that turns its victims into mutated psychopaths.
P.O.E. Pieces of Eldritch (P.O.E. 3)
The third entry in a line of anthologies influenced by the stories of Edgar Allen Poe.
11 De Setembro 1683
No verão de 1683, 300.000 guerreiros do Império Otomano iniciaram o cerco de Viena. A queda da cidade teria aberto o caminho para a conquista da Europa. Em 11 de setembro. foi a principal batalha entre a cavalaria polonesa e os turcos.
The Gerber Syndrome - Il contagio
Senza vento