Miles Morales retorna para o próximo capítulo da saga do Aranhaverso, uma aventura épica que transportará o Homem-Aranha em tempo integral e amigável do bairro do Brooklyn através do Multiverso para unir forças com Gwen Stacy e uma nova equipe de Homens-Aranha para enfrentar com um vilão mais poderoso do que qualquer coisa que eles já encontraram.
Mario thinks he is in control. He thinks he knows what he is doing, and he looks down to the people on the other side of the glass, but what Mario doesn't know is that the glass itself is not on his side.
Mario thinks he is in control. He thinks he knows what he is doing, and he looks down to the people on the other side of the glass, but what Mario doesn't know is that the glass itself is not on his side.
Mario thinks he is in control. He thinks he knows what he is doing, and he looks down to the people on the other side of the glass, but what Mario doesn't know is that the glass itself is not on his side.
Miles Morales é um jovem negro do Brooklyn que se tornou o Homem-Aranha inspirado no legado de Peter Parker, já falecido. Entretanto, ao visitar o túmulo de seu ídolo em uma noite chuvosa, ele é surpreendido com a presença do próprio Peter, vestindo o traje do herói aracnídeo sob um sobretudo. A surpresa fica ainda maior quando Miles descobre que ele veio de uma dimensão paralela, assim como outras variações do Homem-Aranha.
This is the third time that Vik and his family have moved to a different city. Vik is a shy child who finds it hard to make new friends, and whenever he finally does start to open up to someone, his father's job inevitably causes the family to up sticks and relocate to a different part of the country, and Vik has to start all over again. Luckily for him, this time he soon meets Mai and Oto in the city park.