Enquanto um avião de grande porte é sequestrado por terroristas em um voo de Berlim para Paris e um grupo de jovens busca invadir a cabine da aeronave. O piloto, contra o tempo, tenta negociar uma possível rendição com o sequestrador.
Enquanto um avião de grande porte é sequestrado por terroristas em um voo de Berlim para Paris e um grupo de jovens busca invadir a cabine da aeronave. O piloto, contra o tempo, tenta negociar uma possível rendição com o sequestrador.
A divorced father picks up his eight-year-old daughter Lea. It seems pretty much like every second weekend, but after a while Lea can't help feeling that something isn't right. So begins a fateful journey.
A divorced father picks up his eight-year-old daughter Lea. It seems pretty much like every second weekend, but after a while Lea can't help feeling that something isn't right. So begins a fateful journey.
A divorced father picks up his eight-year-old daughter Lea. It seems pretty much like every second weekend, but after a while Lea can't help feeling that something isn't right. So begins a fateful journey.
A divorced father picks up his eight-year-old daughter Lea. It seems pretty much like every second weekend, but after a while Lea can't help feeling that something isn't right. So begins a fateful journey.
This film is a cut together of DV-tapes, bought at an online auction whose content apparently has never been deleted. Special Award of the Film Academy Vienna, VIENNA SHORTS 2012.
Inspirado numa história real, o roteiro conta a trajetória de John Rabe, um grande empresário alemão que, no final da década de 30, salvou mais de 200 mil chineses no massacre de Nanjing.