Sophia Louisa


40: A Tentação de Cristo
40 The Temptation Of Christ é detalhada nos Evangelhos de Mateus, Marcos e Lucas. Segundo esses textos, depois de ser batizado por João Batista, Jesus jejuou por quarenta dias e quarenta noites no deserto da Judeia. Durante esse tempo, Satanás apareceu a Jesus e tentou tentá-lo. Depois de recusar cada uma das tentações de Satanás, Jesus retornou à Galiléia para iniciar seu ministério..
a song in b minor
After her father's death, a young girl begins to experience paranormal activities whenever she's near her father's piano.
The Purging Hour
With the hopes of a new life for his family, Bruce Diaz left the harsh city for the serene and majestic mountains of California. The Diaz family's first day in their new house would go down as one of the most violent 24 hours any family could ever imagine. With no serviceable evidence being retrieved and no witnesses to speak, the case was eventually dismissed. Several years later, the family's personal home movie footage was released by anonymous source. "Home Video" tells the family's story, through their eyes.
When Charlie and his family move to a warmer climate for the sake of his father's illness, he finds himself teetering between battles of the thought of losing his father with a conflict he has with a ferocious bully at school.