Pam Downe


O Mistério do Farol
Costume Design
Em uma ilha desabitada, a 20 milhas da costa escocesa, três guardas de faróis chegam para um turno de seis semanas. À medida que Thomas (Scot Peter Mullan), James (Gerard Butler) e Donald (Connor Swindells) se instalam em suas rotinas habituais e solitárias, algo inesperado acontece: eles tropeçam em algo que não é seu e que não sabem de onde veio. Com a presença desse objeto vem o início de uma luta pela sobrevivência. Aos poucos, os três homens são conduzidos à destruição por meio da ganância pessoal aliada ao isolamento e à paranoia.
Amor em Tempos de Ódio
Costume Design
Leyna (Amandla Stenberg) é uma adolescente filha de uma mãe branca alemã e um pai negro. Morando na Alemanha em 1944, ela vive em constante medo por conta da cor de sua pele. Quando ela conhece Lutz (George MacKay), o filho de um oficial da SS e membro da Juventude Hitlerista, os dois acabam se apaixonando, colocando suas vidas em risco.
Interlude In Prague
Costume Design
The incredible tale of Mozart's Prague years.
Uma Vida Comum
Costume Design
John May (Eddie Marsan) trabalha para o conselho descobrindo parentes mais próximos de pessoas que morreram sozinhas. Sua vida é seu trabalho e ele dedica mais esforços do que o necessário para descobrir sobre a vida de seus clientes, e dá-los um bom funeral. Porém, sua rotina muda quando ele descobre que perderá o emprego. Ele pede um tempo ao seu chefe para resolver o último caso em que trabalhava, o de Billy Stoker.
The Christmas Candle
Costume Design
Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies the enchanting village of Gladbury. Legend has it every 25 years an angel visits the village candlemaker and touches a single candle. Whoever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. But in 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend may come to an end.
The Night Watch
Costume Designer
Set against the turbulent backdrop of London in the 1940s, this adaptation of Sarah Waters' bestselling novel, The Night Watch, follows four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay, Helen, Viv and Duncan enjoy a freedom never experienced before. Moving back in time through the 1940s into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and losses of these four central characters are unravelled. For them, the post-war victory is bittersweet, for it returns them to the margins of society, from which they hoped they had been liberated. In order to build their future they must each make peace with their past.
The Baker
Costume Design
Milo is a professional hit man living on the edge. When failing to fulfil a contract for the first time, Milo escapes the city to avoid the wrath of his employers. Hiding out in a remote rural village, the locals mistake him for the new baker.
The Tichborne Claimant
Costume Design
Based on a true story, set in the late 19th century: Lord Tichborne, the ninth richest nobleman in England, disappears after a South American shipwreck. Some years later his erudite Afro-English valet, Bogle, is sent to investigate rumors that Tichborne survived and settled in Australia. An alcoholic ruffian answer's Bogle's inquiries claiming to be the lost heir. Bogle suspects fraud, but conspires with the claimant to split the inheritance should the latter succesfully pass himself off to friends, family and the courts. As the claimant returns to England to continue his charade, enough people confirm his identity to make both the claimant and Bogle believe that he just might be the rightful heir after all.
The Treasure Seekers
Costume Design
Five motherless children, with the help of a famous doctor, are determined to save their financially strapped father.
O Jardim
Wardrobe Assistant
A nearly wordless visual narrative intercuts two main stories and a couple of minor ones. A woman, perhaps the Madonna, brings forth her baby to a crowd of intrusive paparazzi; she tries to flee them. Two men who are lovers marry and are arrested by the powers that be. The men are mocked and pilloried, tarred, feathered, and beaten. Loose in this contemporary world of electrical-power transmission lines is also Jesus. The elements, particularly fire and water, content with political power, which is intolerant and murderous.