Mario Ronchetti


Quatro Moscas Sobre Veludo Cinza
Sound Engineer
O músico Roberto Tobias está sendo seguido há dias por um homem que não conhece. Ao confrontá-lo num teatro abandonado, acaba matando acidentalmente o desconhecido, e no mesmo momento uma figura mascarada fotografa o crime. A partir de então, Tobias começa a ser perseguido implacavelmente por um vilão que não pretende matá-lo, mas enlouquecê-lo aos poucos com a lembrança da culpa do ato que cometeu.
O Gato de Nove Caudas
Um repórter de jornal e um jornalista aposentado e cego tentam resolver uma série de assassinatos ligados a projetos experimentais de pesquisa ultra secreta de uma empresa farmacêutica e, ao fazê-lo, tornam-se alvos do assassino.
The Two Parachutists
Two penniless Italian buskers want to go to the USA but get on the wrong ship and end up in South America in a concentration camp where they are rescued by American parachutists from. Afterwards they become big shots in the States but their dream comes to an end : they are sent to fight in Vietnam
002 Operation Moon
KGB authorities abduct two criminals (Franco and Ciccio) who look exactly like missing spacemen and pretend they are the returning cosmonauts. They launch them in a rocket, so that they can land in public view, leading the populace to believe it was the original space craft that has returned. The two criminals look so much like the astronauts, they even fool the wives of the astronauts. Later however, the original spacecraft returns to Earth undamaged, and the plan goes all to pieces. In the end, Franco and Ciccio stay in Russia and the real astronauts relocate to Italy.
Os Bravos na Arena
Miguel, a poor young man living in Franco's Spain becomes a bull fighter to escape starvation.