Rossana Iturralde


Dreams from the Middle of the World
A bus called Sueños (Dreams) links three modern-day tales set in exotic Ecuador - the equator-straddling country that calls itself "The Middle of the World." Each of these stories carries a woman's name, and each features a mysterious, alluring female outsider who bewitches men. In the first tale, a blonde woman with an unclear past arrives in a remote, male-deprived Andean town and offers piano lessons, only to become the focus of wild rumors and innuendo. In the second, a married college professor who is haunted by nightmares becomes obsessed with a beguiling woman who seems to be sending him an ominous message. In the final story, a couple vacationing at a jungle resort refuse to believe in the ancient myths of Ecuador, but are forced to confront the legendary Guasangó.
Argentina, após o desaparecimento de sua esposa, um jovem pai, descendente de alemães, militante político da década de 1970, faz uma jornada com seu filho de oito anos, fugindo para o Equador, através do maravilhoso mundo rural da América do Sul.
The Tigress
The wild and wanton Francisca, known as "The Tigress," is the eldest of three sisters, who are bosses of a farm in Ecuador. A medicine man tells Francisca and Juliana that their youngest sister Sara must remain a virgin to protect their land. A travelling salesman, engaged to Sara, tells the police that she is being kept locked up by her older sisters.