William Hinckley


The Amazons
Lord Litterly
Three sisters, all raised as boys, have trouble fitting into male-dominated society. A lost film.
The Children in the House
Charles Brown
A woman is stuck with an unfaithful husband until he is killed robbing a bank.
Martha's Vindication
A 1916 film directed by Chester M. Franklin.
The Lily and the Rose
Ted Lamb
To the dismay of Allison Edwards, her bookworm, adoring neighbor, Mary Randolph, falls in love with and marries Jack Van Norman, a rich and handsome former football star. After a few months of marital contentment, Jack becomes infatuated with Rose, an exotic dancer.
The Angel
Dottie gets a job in a small show as "side kick" of a famous knife thrower. The "Angel" is a nice boy who is backing the show, and who is too modest to declare his love to Dottie. She can see no one save the great, handsome "Strong Man." The knife thrower gets drunk, and the "Angel" forbids Dottie to do her act. The "Strong Man," however, locks up the "Angel" and bids the knife thrower go on with the show. Dottie, terrified but helpless, has risked her life a half dozen times from the carelessly thrown knives, when the "Angel," bursting out of his prison, rushes into the ring and flings himself between her and the weapons. He is seriously injured. At the hospital, Dottie and the "Angel" pledge their troth.
The Lie
David - Joan's Husband
Fisherman’s drama about a woman who thinks her husband has drowned while fishing, and then marries one of his colleagues after a while. Then her husband suddenly pops up again; it turns out that his colleague appears to have lied about his death.
The Burned Hand
Billy Rider
Three college boys graduate. One is in love with a girl, whose mother and father have domestic difficulties. They go to court and are divorced. Father is refused the request for his daughter, and in turn kidnaps her and takes her to another state, where he becomes a great political factor. Bill, one of the graduated college boys who is in love with the girl, with his two companions, traces the girl and steal her away. In doing so his hand is burned with a poker and the father uses that as a means of identification in tracing him.
Out of Bondage
Henry Hildreth
Jim McRae and his pal, Clancy, two crooks, perform many robberies and divide the loot equally. Clancy wants to marry McRae's daughter, Mary. She does not want to marry him, but is forced to do so by her father. After the marriage, Clancy and McRae have a quarrel over the division of some loot. Clancy refuses to give McRae his share.
The Failure
Theatrical manager Isaac Shuman has a reputation for "taking advantage" of young girls who want to become stars on Broadway. Reporter Tom Warder investigates these stories and exposes Shuman in his newspaper.
The Lucky Transfer
Jim Dodson, a poor workman, has been in the habit of begging a streetcar transfer in town, in order to ride home each night from work. Ford and Ransom, a couple of crooks, rob a store and among the things taken are a quantity of stamped envelopes with the name and address of the firm printed thereon.
An Old-Fashioned Girl
Abigail, the pretty daughter of a village school teacher, and Jared Guild are lovers. Bertha comes from the city to visit in the little town. Her charms prove too strong for Jared, who neglects Abigail to dance attendance upon the new belle. The country girl is broken-hearted, though she hides her sorrow from her erstwhile sweetheart. A wealthy young planter, however, soon cuts out Jared with Bertha.
The Craven
Will - May's Sweetheart
Bud Walton, the village blacksmith, is big and strong physically, but he has not the courage to put his strength to good purpose. All the boys take a slap at him whenever they choose, and Bud makes no attempt to retaliate. This causes his sweetheart, June, to despise him.
The Three Brothers
Pierre Gaudet / Charlie
Three brothers: Bob, Will and Charlie, all are in love with Mae. Bob, the eldest, is sullen and revengeful, and Mae is afraid of him. Will, the middle brother, is a happy-go-lucky boy with whom she falls in love, and Charlie, the youngest, sacrifices his own feelings for Will, who loves Charlie devotedly. Will and Mae are engaged. During his absence in the city, where he is trying to get a hold in business, so that he and Mae can marry, Bob makes violent love to his brother's fiancée. Charlie comes to her rescue. Learning of the episode, Will later has word sent home that he is dead, and Mae marries Charlie. Some time after this, Will cannot resist coming home to see his mother and Charlie, though he intends that Mae shall not know of his return. Before he can slip away, however, an incident occurs in which he is called upon to save Charlie's life. His presence and his heroism become known to Mae. The inference is that she had a good deal of a struggle to overcome vain regrets.
The Wolf-Man
David Lord
Grinde is a junior partner of a pottery firm. An old chemist, Benjamin Lord, discovers a formula for glazing pottery that is designed to revolutionize the industry. The chemist's grandson, David, takes a sample of the new process to Grinde, who says he will give it consideration. He delegates his foreman, Mole, to steal the formula.