Script Supervisor
Vasculhando os pertences deixados pela mãe, Mae encontra algumas fotos antigas e descobre que ela mantinha uma relação secreta com um rapaz estranho. Enquanto tenta desvendar a identidade do homem da foto, Mae se apaixona pelo jornalista responsável por cobrir a morte de sua mãe.
Georgica, a seemingly bizarre story of a woman who spends the summer stealing the sperm of young, attractive male life guards by planting condoms where they frequent, stalking them at night and then retrieving the sperm from the used condoms to inseminate herself. It is only after we expose Sophie's past that we start to realize, maybe she's not so crazy after all.
Georgica, a seemingly bizarre story of a woman who spends the summer stealing the sperm of young, attractive male life guards by planting condoms where they frequent, stalking them at night and then retrieving the sperm from the used condoms to inseminate herself. It is only after we expose Sophie's past that we start to realize, maybe she's not so crazy after all.
Executive Producer
Georgica, a seemingly bizarre story of a woman who spends the summer stealing the sperm of young, attractive male life guards by planting condoms where they frequent, stalking them at night and then retrieving the sperm from the used condoms to inseminate herself. It is only after we expose Sophie's past that we start to realize, maybe she's not so crazy after all.
Script Supervisor
Na época do colegial, Regan, Katie e Gena eram as garotas mais populares da escola e amigas inseparáveis. Elas adoravam praticar "bullying" com a desajustada Becky. Agora, anos mais tarde, Becky é a primeira a se casar e chama as antigas colegas para ser suas madrinhas de casamento. O trio aceita o convite e resolve preparar para Becky uma grande despedida de solteira, mesmo sem conseguir esconder a inveja por ela ser a primeira do grupo a se casar.