Hiromitsu Mori


The Black Battlefront Kidnappers
Lighting Technician
A taut, economical policier-cum-gang-hostage thriller.
Hairpin Circus
Lighting Technician
A retired racing champion, now a driving instructor, gets involved with the speed tribes after impulsively taking to the streets to relive his former glory.
Dodeskaden - O Caminho da Vida
Sound Recordist
Vários contos na vida de habitantes de favelas de Tóquio, incluindo um jovem mentalmente deficiente obcecado com a condução de seu próprio bonde. Ao mesmo tempo trágico e transcendente, esse filme de Akira Kurosawa acompanha o cotidiano de um grupo de pessoas maltrapilhas em uma favela nos arredores de Tóquio. Por mais desesperadoras que sejam suas circunstâncias, cada um deles - O pai e o filho sem teto imaginando a casa de seus sonhos; A jovem abusada pelo tio; O garoto que se imagina um condutor de bonde - encontra razões para continuar. O inesquecível Dodes'ka-den foi feito num momento tumultuado na vida de Kurosawa. E todas as suas esperanças, medos e paixão artística estão em exibição fervorosa neste filme, seu primeiro filme gloriosamente a cores. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Lighting Technician
Sasaki Kojiro tells the story of the genius who staked his love, glory, and life on a duel with the supreme master of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi (Tatsuya Nakadai). Oscar winning Hiroshi Inagaki directs this epic motion picture based on Genzo Murakami’s fascinating story. Despite his humble birth, the orphan Sasaki Kojiro (Onoe Kikunosuke) is determined to become the foremost swordsman in all Japan, a title that traditionally belongs to a nobleman. At fencing school, young Kojiro receives the contempt of his classmates because of his superior swordsmanship. When rumors of the upcoming civil war between Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans spread, Kojiro leaves the school and sets out, seizing every opportunity to realize his dream.
Once a Rainy Day
Lighting Technician
Former playmates (Naito and Tamura), both long ago abandoned by their parents, recall their youth and fall in love.
Lighting Technician
After being mistaken for an Interpol agent, a man who was just supposed to go on vacation gets mixed up in a war between two gangs intent on winning the favor of a notorious arms dealer.
O Barba Ruiva
Lighting Technician
No Japão do século 19 , em um hospital de caridade o Dr. Niide (Toshiro Mifune), um médico duro mas honrado, conduz um jovem estagiário sob sua orientação ao longo de inúmeros casos difíceis. Ambientado em tempos feudais, médico novato, Yuzo Kayama, é enviado para uma enfermaria pobre esperando ser apenas passageiro, mas está furioso ao saber que ele deve ficar. Ele tenta provocar sua dispensa, mas é frustrado pelo médico-chefe "Barba Vermelha" (Toshiro Mifune), um homem cujos métodos são tão carinhosos quanto imprevisíveis.
Legacy of the 500,000
Lighting Technician
During World War II, Japan sends gold to the Phillipines. After the war, the gold is lost in the bay of Manille. Former soldier Takeichi Matsuo is now working as a business executive. He meets Mintsura Gunji, the boss of a large company, who offers him to go to the Philippines and bring back the gold.
Céu e Inferno
Lighting Technician
Um executivo de uma empresa de calçados torna-se vítima de extorsão quando o filho de seu motorista é sequestrado e pedem resgate. O executivo Gondo (Toshirô Mifune) hipoteca tudo o que tem na tentativa de assumir a Companhia Nacional de Sapatos, para manter a empresa fora das mãos dos outros executivos incompetentes e gananciosos. Contudo, o mesmo dinheiro que ele arrecada pode pagar o resgate que possivelmente irá salvara vida de uma criança, levando o executivo a tomar decisões extremas e elaborar procedimentos policiais. A resolução desse dilema - a perda certa da empresa vs a perda provável da criança - cria um drama distinto, e um elaborado procedimento de polícia cria um segundo. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Our Failures
Lighting Artist
Tells the story of Shintaro, a lawyer who quits his job to work at a camera factory, and his love adventures.
The Witness Killed
Lighting Technician
Japanese neo-noir crime drama movie directed by Jun Fukuda
The Blue Beast
Lighting Technician
Tatsuya Nakadai plays a scheming low-level executive who plays labor against management and uses anyone he can to further his career in this moral drama. When things get too hot, he bails and goes to work for a prominent politician (Koreya Senda). Soon he has impregnated the daughter (Yoko Tsukasa) of his boss, but he figures marriage will solve his current problems. His happiness is short-lived when he is stalked by a union radical he once double-crossed who now seeks vengeance.
The Lost Alibi
Lighting Technician
Suspense drama about a married salaryman whose affair with one of his co-workers is compromised when, returning from a clandestine meeting with his lover, he runs into a neighbor who is later accused of murder. Questioned by police about the neighbor, and blackmailed by his lover's neighbor, the salaryman's lies lead him on a path to destruction.
The Vampire Moth
Lighting Technician
The story of a professional nude model stalked by a bizarre, unknown man wearing a hideous mask.