Set on Blackpool’s Golden Mile, Jim (Douglass Montgomery), a once promising scientist, sets up in business as a patent medicine man selling hair tonic at the fair with his ex-army colleague Dan (Ronald Shiner). Following a fight with local hoods over pitch spaces, Jim falls for Jane (Hazel Court), the girl on a nearby candy floss stall. The two begin dating but Jim fails to mention he is already married.
A young couple become engaged, but enjoy a number of comedic aventures before their wedding day.
Masrur (uncredited)
Menino ladrão das ruas de Bagdá ajuda jovem sultão deposto do trono por feiticeiro a recuperar o poder. Para isso conta com a ajuda de um gênio mágico que lhe concede três desejos.
George Hart
About a businessman (H.F.Maltby) who borrows his wife's pearls to cover a business loan, only for the pearls to then go missing.
Dock Worker
A hugely popular, much-adapted comedy in which a Liverpool lass visits family in rural Ireland and finds she has several rivals for her affections
A pair of sisters have ambitions to take to the stage when they realize that their parent's act is finished.