Peggy Rea

Peggy Rea

Nascimento : 1921-03-31, Los Angeles, California, USA

Morte : 2011-02-05


Peggy Jane Rea was a Los Angeles-born American actress known for her many roles in television, often playing matronly characters. Before she became an actress, Rea left UCLA to attend business school. She landed a job as a production secretary at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in the 1940s. Later, she was an assistant to writer-musician Kay Thompson until Thompson dropped her in April 1948. Some of the points of discord apparently included Rea's insistence on staying at the Algonquin Hotel (rather than Essex House, where Thompson was staying), and disappearing, on at least one occasion, on the eve of their New York opening to see Born Yesterday on Broadway without telling Thompson. The time had come for Peggy to make her mark as the character actress she was born to be. She quickly landed on her feet with a supporting role in the National Road Company production of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire (as Eunice Hubbell, 1948–1949) starring Anthony Quinn. Thompson severed ties with Rea, however the younger woman kept in touch with other members of Thompson's family, including Thompson's mother, brother and younger sister, with whom she enjoyed cordial relations.


Peggy Rea


O Diabo Veste Azul
Carter’s Secretary
Na Los Angeles de 1948, um veterano negro da 2a. Guerra aceita bancar o detetive e encontrar a noiva desaparecida de um ricaço, candidato a prefeito, mas se depara com uma história mais complicada e perigosa do que esperava.
Nothing But the Truth
A polygraph examiner has an affair with a murder suspect after her test clears him, but new evidence then suggests that he's guilty after all.
A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion
The fourth Waltons reunion TV movie is set in the 1960s , with John-Boy still living in New York, trying to persuade his fiancée to marry him. Meanwhile, Ben and Cindy's daughter Virginia has died, and Cindy is finding life very lonely without her. She tells Ben that she would dearly love to adopt another baby, but Ben feels that it is not a good idea. Ben argues with his father about buying a new truck for their lumber company, but John keeps insisting that they can't afford it. Elsewhere, Erin now has three children and is separated from Paul. Her decision to start seeing another man causes some indignation among the other Walton family members. Ike and Corabeth become grandparents when Aimee has a daughter, while Elizabeth returns from Europe and reunites with Drew, her old beau.
Feita Por Encomenda
Sara Matthews é uma afro-americana que trabalha em uma livaria em Oakland e cria Zora Matthews, sua filha adolescente. O marido de Sara morreu há muitos anos atrás e Zora cresceu pensando que ele fosse seu pai, até que descobre por acidente que ela era produto de uma inseminação artificial. Pesquisando no computador do banco de esperma, Zora descobre quem é seu pai biológico: Hal Jackson, um vendedor de automóveis branco que aparece na televisão fazendo palhaçadas com animais. Sara também fica aturdida, pois especificou que queria um doador negro. Sara decide conversar com Hal, mas o encontro não é dos mais amistosos.
As Barreiras do Amor
Mrs. Heisenbuttel
Lurene Hallette é uma dona de casa de Dallas que direciona grande parte do seu tempo para saber o que a família Kennedy faz. Ela fica arrasada quando descobre que o presidente foi assassinado poucas horas depois de chegar na cidade onde ele estava. Apesar da proibição do seu marido, ela decide ir ao funeral e, na viagem de ônibus, ela conhece uma garotinha negra que viaja com Paul Cater, o pai. Em dado momento ela acredita que se trata de um sequestro e avisa o FBI. Quando entende que cometeu um grande erro, a polícia já está pronta para prender o "criminoso". Assim, decide acompanhar pai e filha para ajudá-los no que for possível para escapar do cerco que está se fazendo para capturá-los.
Fantasmas da Guerra
Conta a história de Samantha Hughes (Emly Lloyd), uma adolescente do Kentucky cujo pai morreu na guerra do Vietnã enquanto sua mãe ainda estava grávida. Procurando informações a respeito de seu pai e da guerra que tirou a sua vida e sobre a qual ninguém gosta de falar, ela tenta obter informações de seu tio Emmett (Bruce Willis), um veterano de guerra que tem a vida social prejudicada pelas marcas que essa experiência lhe deixou.
Mrs. Mary Cox
Two escaped brothers track down and terrorize the family of the judge who sentenced them.
Fun and Games
A divorcee decides to fight back after her hopes of gaining a promotion are dashed by her rejection of the advances of her boss, and it is only after he actually attacks her that her company and her union take notice.
The Great Cash Giveaway Getaway
Motel Owner
Two teenagers on the run with a quarter of a million dollars belonging to an illegal drug ring are pursued by a suave crime czar and, after they gain a celebrity of sorts, by the whole country, which wants to partake of their largesse in their coast-to-coast spending spree.
A Rainy Day
Mrs. Jewels
A television star goes home to Texas for her father's funeral and spends time with her mother for the first time in five years. Reminiscing about her childhood allows the daughter to work through lifelong resentments and to forgive her mother.
The Cracker Factory
Drama depicting the problems of a suburban housewife suffering from fits of depression and alcoholism, and her stay in a psychiatric center after a feeble suicide attempt.
The Gift of Love
Mrs. Mooney
Inspired by O. Henry's short story about a young bride and groom, each of whom foolishly--but quite lovingly--sacrifices a treasured possession to buy the perfect Christmas gift for their mate.
Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid
Woman on Train
A turn-of-the-century investigator named Kate Bliss goes to the wide-open spaces of the wild west to capture a gang of outlaws led by a charming "Robin Hood of the plains," leading a band of dispossessed ranchers against a stuffy English land baron who has cheated them out of their property.
The Bastard
Phillipe Charboneau is the illegitimate son of an English duke. When he travels from France to England to claim his inheritance, he incurs the wrath of his father's family and is forced to flee to America, where he becomes involved in the events leading to the American Revolution. (Episodes 1 and 2 of the Kent Chronicles miniseries.)
A Violentada
An aspiring avant-garde composer rapes a fashion model. When she takes him to court, she's slut-shamed by the defense and the man is exonerated. But justice will be served.
The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon
Mrs. Charles
Tired of being short, a sixth-grader buys a magical book that enables him to "Think Big".
Promise Him Anything
A young bachelor using a dating service picks a woman whose information card read "Anything goes." When he takes her out and finds out that she didn't live up to her description, he sues her for breach of contract.
Win, Place or Steal
Three friends have two things in common: (1) they like to bet on the horses at the track, and (2) they invariably lose. One day they hit upon a scheme to steal one of the track's betting machines, so that they'd be able to print winning tickets and recoup the money they've lost over the years. However, things don't go exactly as planned.
Blood Sport
Mrs. Birdsong
A searing commentary on the "win at all costs" mentality of American high school sports. David Lee Birdsong is the smalltown quarterback hoping to escape with a college scholarship and a pro career. David's father is the overbearing taskmaster vicariously living through his son. The third side of the triangle is Coach Marshall, a hypercritical and cruel man who sees David as the key to his future success. David's lockstep commitment to his father and coach is altered when he witnesses a teammate die after a grueling practice.
Pânico e Morte na Cidade
Carl Kolchak é um repórter que investiga estranhos assassinatos de coristas em Las Vegas. Ele descobre que Janos Skorzeny, um vampiro, está por trás dos crimes. Kolchak tenta convencer seu editor sobre a natureza vampírica do assassino mas ninguém o leva a sério. Ele se vê obrigado a combater o mal sozinho.
What's the Matter with Helen?
Mrs. Schultz
Two middle-aged women move to Hollywood, California after their sons are convicted of a notorious murder and open a dance school for children eager to tap their way to stardom.
Uma Cidade Contra o Vício
Mrs. Proctor
Reverend Brooks leads the town in a contest to stop smoking for a month, But some tobacco executives don't want them to win, and try everything they can to make them smoke. If townspeople don't go nuts, from wanting a cigarette, or kill each other from irritation and frustration, they will win a huge prize.
The Learning Tree
Miss McClintock
The story, set in Kansas during the 1920's, covers less than a year in the life of a black teenager, and documents the veritable deluge of events which force him into sudden manhood. The family relationships and enmities, the fears, frustrations and ambitions of the black teenager in small-town America are explored with a strong statement about human values.
O Vale das Bonecas
Neely O'Hara's Vocal Coach (uncredited)
Anne Welles (Barbara Parkins) é uma jovem formidável, brilhante e impetuosa que acaba de se formar na New England College e decide deixar sua cidade para tentar a vida na Broadway. Ela vai para Manhattan e espera encontrar um trabalho emocionante e homens sofisticados, mas lá ela vai descobrir que não é a única com esse sonho e que nem sempre a vida é justa.
Em Busca do Amor
Relative (uncredited)
An aspiring young singer unexpectedly gets her big break by inventing a specialized clothes rack.
As 7 Faces do Dr. Lao
Mrs. Peter Ramsey
Um chinês gentil e idoso (possui 7322 anos), Dr. Lao (Tony Randall) chega em Abalone, Arizona, com seu circo, que tem atrações únicas (o Abominável Homem das Neves, Merlin, Medusa, Pan, Apolônio de Tiana e outros seres fantásticos). Ele constata rapidamente que a cidade é dominada por um rico rancheiro, Clint Stark (Arthur O'Connell), que alega que em seis meses não haverá água na cidade, pois o aqueduto está quase inutilizado e o conserto seria de US$ 237 mil. Assim, Stark propõe comprar toda a cidade e só Ed Cunningham (John Ericson), o dono do jornal local, se opõe à idéia. Mas em poucos dias o Dr. Lao irá alterar a vida dos moradores de Abalone.