Veljko Despotović


Cinema Komunisto
Esta espantosa e agridoce crónica da indústria cinematográfica jugoslava reconta como o cinema foi usado, muitas vezes com a intervenção direta do presidente Josip Broz Tito, para criar e recriar a história da jovem nação, repleta de heróis e mitos que nem sempre aderiam estreitamente à realidade.
The Tour
Production Design
Year 1993, the bleakest time of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A group of actors from Belgrade, utterly unaware of what they're setting themselves up for, embark on a search for quick earnings - on a "tour" around the Serbian Krajina. However, there they are thrust into the heart of war and begin to wander from war front to war front, from one army to the next.
Production Design
The story evolves around the Arian sect. During the III century AD they have seriously shaken the very foundations of Christian world. It is also known that in this region they had a stronghold between towns of Sirmium and Belgrade. "Labyrinth" is not only the story about our times, but a story of our roots.
The Tragic Burlesque
Production Design
In a way of protesting for inhuman living conditions and the shortage of medications caused by the disintegration of Yugoslavia and its sanctions, a doctor in a hospital decides to close his clinic for mental illness. His wish is to return the patients to their homes or give them to someone who is willing to accept them temporarily.
Gorilla Bathes at Noon
Production Design
A Red Army major caught between East and West Berlin finds his wife gone and somebody else moved into his apartment.
Fora de Controle
Art Direction
Upon graduation from high school eight teens take a seaplane trip, intending to celebrate on Keith's parents' private island. Stormy weather causes the plane to crash and they end up on a deserted isle. They find evidence of other visitors, and soon must fend for their lives against drug smugglers.
Fora de Controle
Prom Photographer
Upon graduation from high school eight teens take a seaplane trip, intending to celebrate on Keith's parents' private island. Stormy weather causes the plane to crash and they end up on a deserted isle. They find evidence of other visitors, and soon must fend for their lives against drug smugglers.
Great Transport
Production Design
This WW2 epic was one of the last movies of that kind made in former Yugoslavia. It tells the true story of great transport of Partizans from Vojvodina to Bosnia in 1943.
Conan, o Bárbaro
Art Direction
Há milhares de anos, Thulsa Doom, um demoníaco feiticeiro, comanda um ataque em uma aldeia por motivos até hoje não revelados, que poderia ser simplesmente pelo prazer de matar ou para descobrir o segredo do aço, que era guardado pelos moradores desta aldeia. Conan, um cimério, vê seus pais serem mortos na sua frente e seu povo ser massacrado, sendo que ele, ainda criança, é levado para um campo de escravos. Os anos passam e ele desenvolve uma enorme força física, o que faz Conan se tornar gladiador. Ele ainda se mantém determinado a vingar a morte dos pais e quando é libertado tenta alcançar seu objetivo. Conan descobre que Thulsa Doom lidera o misterioso Culto da Serpente e, tentando se aproximar do feiticeiro, faz amizade com dois ladrões, Valéria e Subotai. Ao trio é prometida uma vultosa recompensa pelo rei Osric, que quer que o trio de guerreiros resgate sua filha, que se tornou uma seguidora de Thulsa Doom.
Who's Singin' Over There?
Production Design
On April 5th, 1941, a day before the Nazi attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, a colorful group of passengers is headed for Belgrade...
The Secret of Nikola Tesla
Production Design
Life and times of Nikola Tesla, famous scientist whose inventions were stolen, but whose greatest contribution to mankind remain a mystery to this day.
The Man to Kill
Production Design
After the murder of the Russian Emperor Peter III, who was succeeded by Empress Catherine, Satan decides that the balance between good and evil on Earth has been destabilized. In order to set things right, he sends his representative to Earth - the teacher Farfa, who bears an unusual resemblance to Peter III. His mission is to seize power from the old Duke of Montenegro, and then to take back the Russian throne as Peter III. The people of Montenegro accept Farfa as their new leader, and he proclaims himself the new Emperor, Scepan Mali, successfully resisting an invasion by the Turks. Farfa is touched by the Montenegrins' kindness and courage, falls in love with the beautiful Elfa, and fails to follow Satan's plan. Not one to be crossed, Satan sets out to kill him.
A Cruz de Ferro
Art Direction
It is 1943, and the German army—ravaged and demoralised—is hastily retreating from the Russian front. In the midst of the madness, conflict brews between the aristocratic yet ultimately pusillanimous Captain Stransky and the courageous Corporal Steiner. Stransky is the only man who believes that the Third Reich is still vastly superior to the Russian army. However, within his pompous persona lies a quivering coward who longs for the Iron Cross so that he can return to Berlin a hero. Steiner, on the other hand is cynical, defiantly non-conformist and more concerned with the safety of his own men rather than the horde of military decorations offered to him by his superiors.
Pasqualino Sete Belezas
Art Direction
Pasqualino, um homem comum italiano, abandona o exército durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Os Alemães o capturam e mandam para um campo de prisioneiros, onde ele faz qualquer coisa para sobreviver. Em longos flashbacks, vemos ele e sua família de sete irmãs sem atrativos (as sete belezas), seu assassinato acidental do amante de uma irmã, sua confissão e prisão, sua entrada calculada para um asilo, o estupro de uma paciente, e seu trabalho voluntário para ser um soldado e escapar do confinamento. Para desgosto de seu obeso captor alemão, seu caráter fraco e covarde lhe permite sobreviver à guerra e voltar para Nápoles, onde ele tem um plano para sobreviver a próxima catástrofe mundial. A defesa da honra, um forte valor na sociedade napolitana, e seus efeitos sobre a vida do homem comum Pasquale Frafuso.
Production Design
An unbearable stench makes quite wide confusion among the residents of Belgrade. The microbiologist Pavle can not remember immediately where he smelled it, but recalls the event he witnessed as a child and the smell of a burning human. A visit to the crematorium gives him the assurance: The high number of suicides in the city has meant that the ovens are in continuous operation and will probably stay that way - because the stench is slowly making other people commit suicide, too.
Um Violinista no Telhado
Art Direction
Violinista de aldeia ucraniana e seus habitantes de origem judia são intimados pelo czar a deixar o país em apenas três dias. Começa assim o sofrido êxodo para os países ocidentais, onde são mostrados os dramas individuais de alguns personagens. Baseado no livro "Tevye's Daughters and play Tevye der Milkhiker", de Sholem Aleichem, por sua vez levado aos palcos da Broadway por Joseph Stein.
My Crazy Head
Set Decoration
A Yugoslavian spoof of Dirty Harry and James Bond movies. A young inspector called Crazy Head goes after bandits that do not hesitate to use all kinds of vicious means in their shady ventures.
Até Encontrei Ciganos Felizes
Production Design
O protagonista Bora é um cigano encantador mas malandro, enquanto que sua esposa mais velha, Lence, é submissa. Bora está apaixonada pela jovem Tisa, que é oferecida em casamento por seu pai. Os dois se sentem sem saída. Então Tisa rejeita seu marido e ela e Bora fogem e conseguem um monge nas montanhas para realizar o casamento. Incapaz de retornar ao acampamento dos ciganos, Tissa tenta chegar a Belgrad por conta própria, mas alguns viajantes num caminhão a violentam, e ela retorna para a miséria à sua tribo. Enquanto isso, Bora defende sua honra da maneira tradicional, com uma facada, e mata seu oponente. Portanto, ele também deve deixar a tribo. E, no entanto, veremos felizes ciganos...
Bitter Fruit
Production Design
A police drama set in an unidentified and oppressed South American country among a group of conspirators. The main characters are two sisters Soledad and Tita.
The One Eyed Soldiers
Production Design
Action - The body of Dr. Charles Berens, Chief of the United Nations Medical Relief Organization, is seen hurtling from the lofty parapet of an ancient church. He has chosen death rather than capitulate to his murderous pursuers. Police chief Colonel Ferrer (Andrew Faulds) arrives in time to hear the dying Berens last words: "July the 18th! The One Eyed Soldiers." - Dale Robertson, Luciana Paluzzi, Guy Deghy
Marco the Magnificent
Art Direction
Young Marco Polo travels to China to help Kublai Khan fight against rebels, headed by his own son, with a new invention: gunpowder.
Pyramid of the Sun God
Production Design
Mexico, 1864. The country is divided by the struggle against the French occupation and emperor Maximilian. The German doctor Karl Sternau and his friend Andreas Hasenpfeffer come to love the country and support the cause of the proud Mexicans.
Mercenaries of the Rio Grande
Art Direction
Dr. Karl Sternau, the personal physician of the count Bismarck, who spent much of his youth in Mexico, is sent back to that country during the occupation by French troops in the service of the Austrian 'Emperor' Maximilian, to carry an encouraging letter from U.S. President Lincoln to the nationalist Mexican president Benito Juarez.
In the Wild West
Production Design
When Black Bill's father is murdered and his uncle kidnapped, he sets out in pursuit of the perpetrators.
Os Legendários Vikings
Art Direction
Rolfe, um astuto e perigoso líder de um grupo de vikings marinheiros, parte em busca de um gigantesco sino feito de ouro depois de espalhar uma série de pistas falsas para seus colegas. Mas logo ele terá em seu encalço o destemido Aly, comandante de um grupo de mouros aventureiros.
The Bloody Shirt
Art Direction
A film about blood revenge in Montenegro.