Eligio Trani


Violência e Paixão
Makeup Artist
Um professor aposentado de origem americana vive uma vida solitária em um luxuoso palácio em Roma. Ele é confrontado por uma vulgar marquesa italiana e seu amante, por sua filha e pelo namorado de sua filha, e forçado a alugar para eles um apartamento no andar superior de seu palácio. Desse ponto em diante, sua rotina tranquila é transformada em caos pelas maquinações de seus inquilinos, e a vida de todos sofre uma reviravolta inesperada, mas inevitável.
Ludwig: A Paixão de um Rei
Makeup Artist
Este filme retrata a conturbada histórica de vida de Ludwig, rei da Baviera, desde sua coroação em 1864 até sua morte em 1886 como um herói romântico. Fã de Richard Wagner, traído por ele, apaixonado por sua prima Elisabeth da Áustria, abandonada por ela, ele experimentou uma sucessão de derrotas pessoais. E, além disso, foi atormentado por sua homossexualidade e pouco a pouco foi aceitando a loucura.
Makeup Artist
Rome, 1870. Opponents of the church power are being sent to prison. Some of the exhausted prisoners are asking for the mercy of Pope. Others, like Augusto Parenti, prefer to fight for their rights until the end. His wife, Teresa is a simple woman, who gets involved with the rebels.
The Automobile
Makeup Artist
An ex-prostitute, feeling an emptiness in her life, decides to fill it by buying a car.
Venha Tomar Café Conosco
Makeup & Hair
Paronzini aos 50 anos, decide se casar e ele acha as três irmãs Tettamanzi. Emerenziano (Ugo Tognazzi) é o inspetor de impostos de meia idade que está em busca de uma esposa rica. Ele viaja para o norte da Itália, onde conhece três irmãs, que, apesar de ricas, não são tão jovens ou lindas. Ele decide casar com uma delas e então leva as outras duas como amantes. As irmãs virgens são lentamente transformadas em pessoas vorazes, cada uma possuindo seus próprios talentos sexuais individuais. Tudo parece estar bem para ele até encontrar uma jovem garçonete com quem ele se enreda e, como resultado, se torna um prisioneiro indefeso submetido aos caprichos das fêmeas famintas do amor. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Garter Colt
Makeup Artist
At the border with Mexico, a brave young woman defends herself from the attack of the fearsome bandit, "Red", mastering a gun and the game of poker. Falling in love with a young Frenchman, he asks her to give up gambling and start a quiet and normal life, but when the young man is killed by "Red", she is determined to seek revenge. Source: SWDB http://www.spaghetti-western.net
The Saint Lies in Wait
Makeup Artist
Oscar Chartier plays a dangerous double game by selling secret plans to the German and American secret services, to ensure a comfortable future for his daughter, Sophie. But the plans are fake and Chartier decides to get help from his good friend Simon Templar.
Julieta dos Espíritos
Makeup Artist
Suspeitando da infidelidade do marido, Giulietta entra numa jornada surreal de autodescoberta, repleta de sonhos selvagens e fantasias encantatórias que envolvem Suzy, a sua vizinha sexualmente emancipada, e seu estilo de vida glamouroso dos anos 1960.
Sandokan Fights Back
Makeup Artist
When Sandokan learns he is the rightful heir to the throne of Malaysia, he immediately sets of to claim his land back.
Totò contro il Pirata Nero
Makeup Artist
José is a Neapolitan petty thief who escapes from the guards and hides himself in a barrel of Jamaican rum on the quay of the port of Naples.
Il treno del sabato
Makeup Artist
America America
Makeup Artist
A young Anatolian Greek, entrusted with his family's fortune, loses it en route to Istanbul and dreams of going to America.
The Lion of St. Mark
Makeup Artist
In 1620 pirates are terrorizing the Adriatic coast. Our hero sets out to defeat them.
O Carrasco de Veneza
Makeup Artist
Set in medieval Venice, this swashbuckler chronicles the courage of an executioner and his godson as they attempt to show that the Grand Inquisitor is in league with murderous pirates.
Totó e Cleópatra
Makeup Artist
Mark Antony has a brother-lookalike, Totonno, a sinister slave trader. Totonno secretly replaces Mark Antony in the most delicate moments.
I Am Semiramis
Makeup Designer
Semiramis, a powerful and beautiful Assyrian queen, oversees the construction of the luxurious city of Babylon. She falls in love with Kir, a fallen prince turned into a slave who corresponds to her love. But a palace conspiracy will make the two lovers separate and confront each other.
Tiger of the Seven Seas
Makeup Artist
Tigre is the skipper of the Santa Maria, a pirate-ship, but he feels tired and decides to leave the command of the ship. Unfortunately he has only a daughter, Consuelo. So he will leave the command and the ship to the winner of a challenge among his men. Unexpectedly Consuelo wins. The same night Tigre is killed, William is charged with the killing and is sentenced to death. But before the sentence could be executed the Spaniards of Grand Duke Inigo arrives. Consuelo escapes, however this is only the first move of Indigo's wife to get to the pirates treasure.
2 samurai per 100 geishe
Makeup Artist
Two Sicilian cousins ​​are forced to go to Japan to collect an inheritance. Once they arrive they realize they will have to adapt to the local customs. The tour will turn into a long series of troubles: the Sicilian cousins, to obtain the inheritance, will have to turn into real samurai.
Musketeers of the Sea
Makeup Artist
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
The Wonders of Aladdin
Makeup Artist
Young Aladdin has a series of wild adventures after he discovers a magic lamp containing a genie (Vittorio De Sica).
Nefertiti, A Rainha do Nilo
Makeup Artist
Chronicles the rise and fall of the woman who eventually became known as Queen Nefertiti.
Era Noite em Roma
Makeup Artist
Sob a ocupação alemã, três militares de diferentes nacionalidades escapam de um campo nazista de extermínio em Roma e tentam chegar às linhas aliadas. Para isso, eles contam com o apoio de italianos que encontram pelo caminho.
Letto a tre piazze
Makeup Artist
Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.
Men and Noblemen
Makeup Artist
Nicola Peccoli has always nurtured his niece Giovanna, an orphan since the age of two and now of age, but he does not look favorably on her beloved Mario because he is just a simple employee and a lower class of society.
Policarpo, ufficiale di scrittura
Makeup Artist
Policarpo De Tappetti is a calligrapher who works under the orders of Don César Pancarano de Rondò. For many years, Policarpo has been seeking a promotion and a raise that never comes, and, it seems, will never come. One day, Jerónimo, the son of Don César, meets Celeste, the daughter of Polycarp, and falls in love with her. Polycarp sees in that relationship the solution to his aspirations at work, and does everything in his power to make this relationship fruitful. Don César, who presumes to be a count, sees with very bad eyes that his son meets a girl from such a different social position, and does just the opposite. But the efforts made by both parties will be of no use, since Celeste has fallen in love with Mario Marquetti, a "specialized mechanic" (typist) who is giving private lessons in the offices of the businessman Franquinet .
Hell in the City
Makeup Artist
A young girl comes to prison and experiences the entire prison subculture. The inmates she befriends vary from big tough dangerous dames to smaller submissive ladies who are totally lost in prison life.
Rascel Marine
Makeup Artist
During WW2 a platoon of marines fights the Japanese on a little island in the Pacific Ocean. On the island there is a hut where old Taikiki lives with his two daughters. The two opposing armies soon forget about war and concentrate on winning the girls' hearts.
The Girl of San Pietro Square
Makeup Artist
Armando Conforti, his family and his friends have a business: they sell souvenirs near St. Peter's, in Rome, they change dollars, in short they get along.
Makeup Artist
A poor girl is convinced she is the daughter of a prince.
Il cocco di mamma
Makeup Artist
Aldo, Vasco and "Smilzo" (Slim) are friends. They live with their parents and are training for boxing. But their real interest is in women. When casually Aldo meets Laura and falls for her. Will he succeed in winning her love?
Noites de Cabíria
Makeup Artist
Giulietta Masina interpreta Cabíria, uma prostituta que ganha a vida nas ruas de Roma em meados anos 50. Ingênua, ela sonha com o amor perfeito e acredita na bondade das pessoas. Por isso, sofre constantemente desilusões. Em suas andanças pela noite romana, ela se envolve com um astro de cinema em crise conjugal e, também, com um contador, que parece amá-la de verdade. Será que o destino só guarda desencantos para a pobre Cabíria?
Piccola posta
Makeup Artist
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
A Trapaça
Makeup Artist
Conta a história de um grupo de trapaceiros: Augusto (Broderick Crawford), Picasso (Richard Basehart) e Roberto (Franco Fabrizi), mostrando seus dramas pessoais, como o complicado relacionamento de Picasso com sua esposa, Iris (Giulietta Masina), ou entre Augusto e sua filha, Patricia (Sue Ellen Blake). Apesar de influenciado pelo gênero policial norte-americano, possui claras influências do neo-realismo, retratando uma Itália destruída pela guerra, sofrendo com a miséria e a fome.
A Estrada da Vida
Makeup Artist
Gelsomina é vendida por sua mãe para Zampanò. Ambos não têm nada em comum: o jeito ingênuo e humilde da jovem é o oposto da rudeza de Zampanò, um artista mambembe. A chegada de um equilibrista que admira especialmente Gelsomina trará acontecimentos inesperados.
Alvaro piuttosto corsaro
Makeup Artist
Alvaro hunts for a treasure, of which he owns only half the map.
Ho scelto l'amore
Makeup Artist
A satire of the Cold War, Italian style. Soviet flunkey Boris Popovitc is sent on a goodwill mission to Rome, where he is to deliver a symbolic dove of peace to a group of WW II freedom fighters. Somehow, Boris winds up in Venice minus the dove. As he searches up street and down canal for the missing bird, he meets and falls in love with luscious flower-girl Maria.
The Overcoat
Makeup Artist
Based on the Nikolai Gogol story but set in 1950s Italy, "The Overcoat" is the story of a poor city hall clerk whose only desire is to buy a new overcoat.
Rome 11:00
Makeup Artist
The story of 5 girls among 200 who answer a wanted ad for a modest secretarial position, which leads overcrowding in the building and a tragic accident.
Position Wanted
Makeup Artist
Maria is a housmaid and she is being engaged to Berto for fifteen years. Berto has not a lasting job so he is waiting for the death of his uncle Matteo to come into an inheritance. In the meantime Maria goes on with her work, first in the house of an unfaithful wife; then for an actor and his wife on the verge of leaving each other and last for Raffaele who wants to marry her. At last uncle Matteo dies...
Mulheres e Luzes
Makeup Artist
Uma companhia de espetáculos viaja para Roma e, no trem, o diretor é abordado por uma bela jovem que deseja ser dançarina. No aperto da primeira noite, ela acaba entrando e faz enorme sucesso entre os espectadores. O diretor então se apaixona por ela e, ambos, largam a companhia para formar uma outra independente; mas, enquanto o diretor pensa em formar uma trupe apenas de artistas de rua, sua principal estrela se ocupa sonhando com o glamour do show buziness.