Ellen Just-Hofmann


A Professora de Piano
Makeup Artist
Erika Kohut trabalha como professora de piano no Conservatório de Viena. Ela não bebe nem fuma, vivendo na casa de sua mãe aos 40 anos. Quando não está dando aulas Erika costuma frequentar cinemas pornôs e peep-shows, em busca de excitação. Logo ela inicia um relacionamento com Walter Klemmer, um de seus alunos, com quem realiza vários jogos perversos.
'38 - Vienna Before the Fall
Makeup Artist
The film presents the political events surrounding the Anschluss in March of 1938 through the lives of Carola Hell, a popular young actress at the prestigious Theater in der Josefstadt, and Martin Hofmann, the Jewish journalist she plans to marry. When we encounter the couple in the lovely springtime weather their future is full of promise. They are determined to stay clear of politics. Yet in the climate of the time, nobody of her prominence or his religion can remain apolitical. Although Martin's journalist friend, Drechsler, calls to inform them that the Nazis plan to take over Austria soon, they concentrate on their work and their private happiness and dismiss the warnings.
Immer die verflixten Weiber
Makeup Artist