Thomas G. Waites

Thomas G. Waites

Nascimento : 1955-01-08, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


An American actor and acting instructor born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Waites runs an acting studio in New York City which is named for him. He has been a member of the Actor's Studio since 1984. Since the 1970s, Waites has appeared in over 30 television and film productions. Some of his credits as a television actor include NYPD Blue, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Oz, Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent and The Jury. In film, he appeared in Unwed Father, State of Grace, ...And Justice for All, Gangland, An American Affair, The Warriors, and the John Carpenter film The Thing. Description above from the Wikipedia article Thomas G. Waites, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Thomas G. Waites


A couple embarks on a weekend getaway only to find the island curiously deserted. After stumbling upon the town’s dark secret, they trigger a time loop, forcing them to relive a demented cycle of terror with seemingly no means of escape.
Broadway's Finest
The winner of twelve film festival awards including Best Feature Film and the Audience Award, "Broadway's Finest" follows three desperate, men who impersonate New York City undercover cops and chase down a notorious drug in order dealer to get the authentic material they need to create their own cutting edge police drama. Things are rarely what they seem in this gritty dramatic action comedy.
The Life Zone
Roger Fields
Kidnapped by a mysterious figure, three women find themselves trapped in an abandoned hospital. Held against their will for months, the prisoners are faced with life-transforming decisions and must struggle for their lives.
The Great Fight
Chief Bocchino
A disgraced police man is sent to work security at a local high school and ends up training an autistic boy with talents for mixed martial arts.
The Grand Theft
Randy Lemar
A group of filmmakers pitch their next project.
An Affirmative Act
Samuel 'Dixie' Backus
"An Affirmative Act" is pro-gay marriage film, starring Charles Durning, Eric Etebari, Costas Mandylor, Rachael Robbins, and Blanche Baker, about a lesbian couple where one pretends to be a man in order for the two to get married and equal benefits. A slice of life of a young, professional married couple with their darling baby turns a sharp, dark corner when the pair are arrested and charged with several counts of fraud. The reason: Terry and Samantha Succi aren't the man and woman that they purported to be... Terry and Samantha married under false pretenses, ignoring state law that discriminates against homosexual partners and prohibits them from receiving the same rights and benefits as their straight counterparts.
American Virgin
When your father is a pornographer, what can you do to shock him? If you're Katrina Bartalotti, you announce that you're going to lose your virginity -- live on the Internet, for the whole world to see.
Rites of Passage
John Willio
A father and his two sons go on holiday together hoping to reconcile some of their differences, but when the arrival of two escaped convicts interrupts their vacation, the three men must cooperate in order to survive.
Sabotagem em Alpha-4
Warden Andrews
Um planeta distante é usado como prisão de alta segurança. Um rebelde consegue soltar seus companheiros introduzindo um vírus na programação. Uma piloto e um detento, tentam impedir que os inimigos saiam para o universo para praticar seus crimes.
Santos attempts to lead a people's revolt in Colombia to overthrow the Presidente. When his revolt fails and he is killed, his sister Christina goes to New York to find McBain, a lieutenant Santos rescued during the Vietnam War. McBain agrees to help, recruits his old war buddies, raises some cash by killing a few drug dealers, then leads an attack to topple the Colombian government.
Um Tiro de Misericórdia
Frankie's Man #1
Hell's Kitchen, Nova Iorque. Terry Noonan volta para casa após uma ausência de dez anos. Ele logo se reconecta com Jackie, um amigo de infância e membro da máfia irlandesa, e reacende seu caso de amor com a irmã de Jackie, Kathleen.
Kojak: Flowers For Matty
Kojak charms his way into high society to investigate art thefts that are tied to munitions smuggling and murder.
The Verne Miller Story
Al Capone
Upon his release from prison, Verne Miller works his way into Al Capone's organization. He becomes a top assassin and earns Capone's trust. However, Miller's failing health and an over-sized ego get him into trouble with the law and Capone.
Um Tira Implacável
Officer Kelly
When a local drug dealer shoots a dishonest cop in self-defense, lawyer and renegade undercover cop join forces to clear him. But when their investigation leads them into a maze of greed and corruption, they learn that in a town where everything is for sale, anything can happen.
Luz da Fama
Cleveland siblings rise with a rock band while coping with personal problems.
A Tribo da Caverna do Urso
Tribo de Neandertais encontra a menina Ayla (Daryl Hannah), uma Cro-Magnon órfã.Iza (Pamela reed) e Creb (James Remar), o curandeiro e sábio da Tribo da Caverna do Urso, praticamente adotam Ayla e a educam como uma Neandertal, apesar das objeções de outros membros. Ayla cresce diferenciada de todos, hábil, inteligente e determinada, o que incomoda Broud (Thomas G. Waites), futuro líder da tribo. Cabe a ela agora, defender sua identidade e encontrar seu espaço. Baseado em best-seller de Jean M. Auel.
The Face of Rage
Filmed in quasi-documentary fashion, the made-for-TV The Face of Rage is set in a rehabilitation facility. Here a group of rapists are required to confront their victims face-to-face. The film concentrates on the bitter verbal sparring session between assaulter Richard (Graham Bechel) and assaultee Rebecca (Dianne Weist). Director Donald Wrye co-wrote the screenplay for Face of Rage with Hal Sitowicz, drawing much of the dialogue from real-life transcripts. The film was first aired as an "ABC Theatre" presentation on March 20, 1983, preceded with an all too appropriate "parental guidance" proviso.
O Enigma de Outro Mundo
Na remota Antártida, um grupo de cientistas americanos é perturbado em sua base quando, de um helicóptero, alguém atira em um cão do acampamento. À medida que socorrem o cão baleado, o bicho começa a atacar os cientistas e os outros cachorros e logo eles descobrem que o animal pode assumir a forma de suas vítimas. Isto significa que membros da equipe podem ser mortos e a cópia assumir o lugar deles. Com isso, um piloto e um médico precisam capturar a fera antes que seja tarde demais.
Justiça Para Todos
Jeff McCullaugh
Arthur Kirkland (Al Pacino) é um advogado idealista que já teve vários desentendimentos (inclusive já foi preso por desacato) com Fleming (John Forsythe), um inflexível juiz. Arthur recebe com surpresa a notícia de que o magistrado foi preso, acusado de estupro, e ironicamente Fleming quer ser defendido por ele, pois como todos sabem da rivalidade que existe entre os dois Kirkland só o defenderia se tivesse certeza da sua inocência. Em retribuição, Fleming promete rever um caso no qual Arthur tenta pôr em liberdade um cliente inocente (Thomas G. Waites), que está preso há dezoito meses.
Os Selvagens da Noite
Fox (uncredited)
Em Nova York, as gangues de delinquentes juvenis se reúnem em uma convenção. O líder do principal grupo prega a união entre eles, pois juntos poderão controlar a cidade (o contingente deles é maior que a força policial). O líder acaba sendo assassinado, com a culpa recaindo sobre um bando da periferia, que nada teve a ver com o atentado. Assim eles se vêem obrigados a atravessar a cidade, enquanto são caçados pelos membros das outras gangues.
On the Yard
Chilly is "top con" on the yard, a title that gives him absolute power. Power to make the rules. Power to kill. When a young con confronts Chilly's power, he learns the vicious price of defiance.