Diane Morgan

Diane Morgan

Nascimento : 1975-10-05, Bolton, Greater Manchester, England


Diane Morgan is an English actress, stand up comedian and writer. Originally from Bolton, Greater Manchester, she studied at East 15 Acting School and worked with Ken Campbell on the 24 hour play The Warp. Credits include Phoenix Nights, Mount Pleasant, Him and Her, Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe (as Philomena Cunk) Utopia, Rovers, Drunk History, We The Jury, Motherland, The Archivologists and Cunk on Britain. One half of comedy duo Two Episodes of Mash with Joe Wilkinson, and star of  several short films, including The Boot Sale directed by Jonathan van Tulleken, written by Rick Edwards, which was shortlisted in the Virgin Media Shorts film competition 2010


Diane Morgan
Diane Morgan


2021 Nunca Mais
Gemma Nerrick
Esta retrospectiva de comédia combina filmagens e quadros de humor para relembrar os piores momentos — e aquele um segundo ou outro de alegria — que vivemos em 2021.
We Wish You a Mandy Christmas
Nobody actually likes bread sauce, do they? It tastes like someone’s eaten a piece of bread, chewed it up and spat it onto your plate. Merry Christmas.
We Wish You a Mandy Christmas
Nobody actually likes bread sauce, do they? It tastes like someone’s eaten a piece of bread, chewed it up and spat it onto your plate. Merry Christmas.
We Wish You a Mandy Christmas
Mandy Carter
Nobody actually likes bread sauce, do they? It tastes like someone’s eaten a piece of bread, chewed it up and spat it onto your plate. Merry Christmas.
2020 Nunca Mais
Gemma Nerrick
Um olhar cômico sobre este ano bizarro pelos comentaristas mais mal-informados de todos os tempos. Dos mesmos criadores de "Black Mirror".
Funny Cow
A comedian uses her troubled past as material for her stand-up routine, trying to rise up through the comedy circuit by playing Northern England's working men's clubs.
Cunk on Christmas
Philomena Cunk
Philomena Cunk is on a festive mission to track down the true meaning of Christmas, and find out exactly what it wants. It's an insightful documentary which takes her on a journey from pagan winter festivals and the nativity story, via 'Sir Charles Dickings', all the way up to today's obsession with Santa. Along the way Philomena will be grilling a variety of experts, trying to expose the truth about Christmas, such as why people still put up with 'brussels sprouts'.
David Brent: A Vida na Estrada
Briony Jones
A câmera alcança David Brent, um ex-astro da série britânica “The Office” e como ele se imagina agora como uma estrela do Rock na estrada.Quinze anos após o trabalho como chefe da empresa Wernham Hogg, David Brent (Ricky Gervais) trabalha como representante de vendas de produtos de limpeza. No entanto, ele ainda sonha em se tornar um astro da música. Um dia, David decide financiar a sua própria turnê pelo Reino Unido, com uma câmera registrando os seus passos na intenção de criar um documentário.
Como Eu Era Antes de Você
Sharon the Waitress
Will é um garoto rico e bem-sucedido, até sofrer um grave acidente que o deixa preso a uma cadeira de rodas. Ele está profundamente depressivo e contrata uma garota do campo para cuidar dele. Ela sempre levou uma vida modesta, com dificuldades financeiras e problemas no trabalho, mas está disposta a provar para Will que ainda existem razões para viver.
Cunk on Shakespeare
Philomena Cunk
Comedy from Charlie Brooker starring Philomena Cunk, the witless commentator from Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe. Philomena knows absolutely nothing about Shakespeare, but that won't stop her attempting to present a groundbreaking documentary about him. Cunk will leave no stone unturned as she gets to the bottom of the Bard, visiting his birthplace, exploring the Globe, studying priceless artefacts and interviewing literally six different experts, including renowned actor Simon Russell Beale, Educating Yorkshire teacher Matthew Burton and top Shakespearean scholar Professor Stanley Wells. Shorter than Hamlet, funnier than King Lear and easier to spell than Cymbeline, Cunk On Shakespeare is absolutely the last word in Shakespeare documentaries.
Paradise Males
Pam has no idea why she has woken up in a hotel room with just an odd newspaper cutting in her bag, and an escort from 'Paradise Males' at the door, waiting to party with a six-pack of Tango in his hands. As the pieces of her shattered memory slot back into place, Pam realises she has a deadly decision to make. Starring Diane Morgan as Pam ('Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe', 'Two Episodes of Mash') and Michael Spicer (who also wrote the screenplay) as Paul the rubbish escort, Paradise Males is a blackly comic thriller with an unexpected twist. It's not so much a whodunit, as a 'what-the-hell-is-going-on-here-then'.
Papai Alpha
Girl in Crowd
Ao longo da vida, Alan Partridge (Steve Coogan) já teve muitos altos e baixos. Ele já trabalhou como apresentador de um programa nacional de televisão, mas também já matou um convidado durante um programa ao vivo. Alan teve uma crise nervosa em Dundee e ainda publicou por conta própria o livro "Bouncing Back", escrito por ele. Neste filme é apresentado como Alan tentou salvar sua imagem pública após os violentos eventos ocorridos na North Norfolk Digital Radio.
Get Lucky
Claire Trott
Short film about a day in the life of the world's unluckiest man.
The Boot Sale
A man pitches up at a car boot sale. But refuses to sell a thing.