Hannah Smith


Viking – Os Pergaminhos Sagrados
Young Orlaith
Nos tempos antigos, sete livros sagrados são usados para conceder poder e prosperidade para aqueles que os possuem. A profecia também diz que uma criança nascida com sangue real pura pode um dia dominar seu poder e reina sobre as nações. Os homens de combate para se qualificar para estes pergaminhos empurrou a Europa à beira da guerra.
Crying Wolf
Partygoer #1
There are a lot of strange and weird goings on in the little village of Deddington. For centuries a pack of werewolves has resided in the sleepy town, but when local girl Charlotte meets a particularly gruesome death, the town is descended upon by reporters, crazy detectives and lunatic hunters desperate to get their story, solve the crime and kill the beasts. But these wolves are smart… very smart.
An Appalachian Dawn
Nestled in the mountains of Central Appalachia, Clay County, Kentucky has long been at the nexus of history. For over 200 years, the people who followed Daniel Boone into this secluded corner of America generated enough heroism and infamy to salt the headlines of virtually every major newspaper in the land. Sadly, much news was dark - vicious feuds, crushing poverty, pervasive corruption, and epic drug abuse. By the early 2000s, the situation was so bleak that many families fled to greener pastures. Those who remained battled hopelessness as illicit drugs threatened to consume an entire generation. And then it happened. As a desperate band of believers cried 'Enough!' the Presence of God descended on the town of Manchester, and transformed it into the City of Hope.
Moranguinho O Filme; Doces Sonhos
Also Starring (voice)
Strawberry Shortcake has a dream of fresh new fields of berry bushes - enough for everyone. But when the greedy Peculiar Purple Pieman rolls into Strawberry Land, he decides to steal Strawberry's dream - and everyone else's dreams too. In order to stop the Purple Pieman and his evil plan, Strawberry and her friends must travel to the Land of Dreams. Along the way, these special friends learn the value of working together to make dreams come true.