Bronek Pekosinski lives in Zamosc, Poland. He is probably 83 years old. He has no family and does not really know who he is. Everything about his life is fictitious: symbolic is the date of birth - the day World War II broke out, as well as his surname - after PKOS, an abbreviation of a charitable institution, and the place of birth - the Nazi concentration camp, from where his mother threw him over a barbed wire fence. Even his friends and guardians turned out to be false. Only his loneliness and his hump seem to be authentic. Two great powers have vied for young Bronek's soul: Roman-Catholic church and a totalitarian state. He fell into alcoholism. Partially paralyzed as the effect of cerebral hemorrhage, he is fired with an ambition of acquiring a mastery in a game of chess.
A captain and lieutenant of the Russian army are buried in the basement of the Przemysl Fortress during the First World War.
Filip Mosz é um operário que resolve comprar uma filmadora 8 mm para registrar os primeiros dias da filha recém-nascida. No entanto, o que era para ser apenas um hobby se torna uma obsessão. Mosz começa a filmar tudo e todos. Pessoas do cotidiano transformam-se em "astros" de suas produções. Mas não tarda para que o "operário-documentarista" se depare com dilemas éticos, que trarão sérias consequências para ele e sua família.
"The Dancing Hawk" refers to the son of a peasant who senses he can climb to the job in troubled times by playing his cards right. His slavery to work match his ambitions, and gradually he reaches the social position he desires. But the costs have included a dehumanized soul and a loss of a moral conscience. People have had to pay for his advancement, including those nearest to him. The downfall is equally painful: either imprisonment or the easy wasy out are offered as the alternatives.
A simple governess and a wealthy aristocrat fall madly in love with each other. However, his family are prejudiced towards her and have other plans for him.
Żagota lost his fortune, family and friends. His only hope is a horse which got stolen.
A coming of end story about fourteen years old Yurek, his adventures during the vacations and his first love.
Unconventional pedagogical methods of a new teacher raise concerns of the provincial school's principal.
A Polish counterintelligence officer infiltrates a spy network in Munich.
Two friends from army meet in a harbour and start to reminisce about their adventures.
Set in the time of Napoleon wars, shows how the wars swept over the unfortunate Polish country at the beginning of the XIX-th century. Story revolves around the Polish legion under command of General Dabrowski, who then fought on Napoleon's side with the hopes of Poland's revival.
The young and beautiful wife of a prominent diplomat complains of boredom. To change her monotonous life, she has an affair, through which she gets entangled in intrigues and espionage affairs. (telemagazyn.pl)
A young man, Kuba, is returning from the army. At home, an image of misery and despair remains: the father is seriously ill, and the mother has become emotionally attached to the man who exploits her and intends to take over the farm. After the death of his father, the young man guards the farm, but his girlfriend leaves him. Unable to bear the atmosphere of envy and resentment, Kuba leaves for the city.
Diretores ao redor do mundo apresentam diferentes perspectivas sobre o que é o amor aos 20 anos.
Three episodes showing the repercussions of war. A soldier is awarded with the Cross of Valor and vacation to home. But instead of his village, he finds only the charred ruins. A stray dog turns out to be the former guard at Auschwitz. A young widow is hailed as the wife of the hero but dreams of something else.
Última parte da trilogia não planejada de Andrzej Wajda, que segue Geração e Kanal, sobre acontecimentos passados durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial na Polônia, Cinzas e Diamantes é considerado uma das maiores obras-primas do cinema mundial. Em 1945, no último dia da guerra, um jovem mercenário é contratado por uma organização de direita para matar um líder comunista em uma aldeia. Interpretado por Zbigniew Cybulski, considerado o James Dean do cinema polonês, o guerrilheiro cai de amores por uma garçonete e começa e pensar em desistir de sua vida de combatente.
Setembro de 1944. É o 56º dia do levante de Varsóvia contra os nazistas. No 3º Pelotão da Resistência restam o tenente polonês Zadra e seus 43 combatentes homens e mulheres heroicos, e eles estão encurralados. Depois de um último dia de luta, do adeus à família, de amar, e de música, esse punhado de sobreviventes condenados percorre os esgotos subterrâneos da cidade na esperança de escapar. Seu valor finalmente é testado. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The fate of a German found by the French peasants - a deserter from the Legion of Foreign Affairs fighting in Vietnam.